I'm interested in getting a portable storage device as it makes alot of sense to me to be able to immediately back up my cards while on a shoot. I use mulitple cards and so my wish is not to free up space on used cards, but to back up the entire shoot so that I have the images on two seperate devices for added protection against losing files to card corruption, etc.
Having one of these units with a large screen would be a big plus I think as it it would be nice to be able to view the images on something larger than the cameras screen. Some also allow you to view the histogram and EXIF info as well.
I have looked at a few that are on PhotographyReviews review section and this one from Jobo looks to be what I would want. A couple other ones that look promising to me are the Epson 3000 and the Wolverine unit If anyone has more info about them or even better yet, experience with any of them I would like to hear about it.