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  1. #1
    Member subhuman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Abilene ,Texas USA

    Paint shop pro question

    I recently bought Corel Paint Shop Pro X , everything is good on it I can change
    colors, clone etc...but I specifically bought it to enlarge pictures to 8x10 & frame them,
    but for the life of me I cannot get it right....I go to where it says print ,number of copies,
    OK I got that but then it asks for the height, width & scale, one thing you cant adjust those
    numbers independently of each other, if you put the width to 8.000 then the height moves
    to like 12.526 or so & vice versa (does that make any sense) anyway whatever I do it never comes
    out right so I can make a print & put it in a 8x10 frame...the closest I get is about
    7 1/2X 10 1/2 and then it cuts off part of the picture at the top or sides....can anyone
    help me? it seems to be a very simple thing to do, I can't for the life of me figure out
    what I am doing wrong.....could it be that the image is coming from film that has
    been burned onto a disc?, (instead of having prints made from a roll of film I just have them
    to burn it right to a disc) I havent gotten a digital camera yet, I am still shooting with
    a film SLR.............thanks

  2. #2
    Junior Member MrTwister's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Paint shop pro question

    May be you have to switch off keeping of the image proportions option.

  3. #3
    Film Forum Moderator Xia_Ke's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Paint shop pro question

    The problem is your actual image size is not proportionate to an 8 x 10. You have a couple options though:

    1. Crop your image to fit 8 x 10
    2. Turn off the keep image proportions option that MrTwister mentioned. This will throw your image off though and make things look either stretched or squished
    3. Resize to 10" and trim off the excess paper on the sides
    4. Print to a more proportionate size like an 8 x 12 (this is what I do)
    5. Resize your image to smaller than 8 x 10 so that when you print to 8 x 10, you have a white border all around.

    I hope this helps

    PS - I am by no means a pro. The above is just from my own experience.
    Aaron Lehoux * flickr
    Please do not edit my photos, thank you.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Ronnoco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Paint shop pro question

    Easy. Keep restrain proportions on. Don't adjust either the width or the height. Increase the pixels per inch resolution choice higher to a number that will bring the height and width closest to 8 X 10. Going slightly over is better than under in that it just means a slight crop. This way you improve print quality at the same time as getting the enlargement you want. I use another method that works as well but it is more complex.


    Accepted photo standards in technique and composition are the tools used to judge photo quality.

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