I recently bought Corel Paint Shop Pro X , everything is good on it I can change
colors, clone etc...but I specifically bought it to enlarge pictures to 8x10 & frame them,
but for the life of me I cannot get it right....I go to where it says print ,number of copies,
OK I got that but then it asks for the height, width & scale, one thing you cant adjust those
numbers independently of each other, if you put the width to 8.000 then the height moves
to like 12.526 or so & vice versa (does that make any sense) anyway whatever I do it never comes
out right so I can make a print & put it in a 8x10 frame...the closest I get is about
7 1/2X 10 1/2 and then it cuts off part of the picture at the top or sides....can anyone
help me? it seems to be a very simple thing to do, I can't for the life of me figure out
what I am doing wrong.....could it be that the image is coming from film that has
been burned onto a disc?, (instead of having prints made from a roll of film I just have them
to burn it right to a disc) I havent gotten a digital camera yet, I am still shooting with
a film SLR.............thanks