Hey guys-
I found a photo of my sister and I about 20 years ago, standing on the porch watching an LA smogset. She actually gave it to me as a gift just like it is, and I wanted to restore it and give it to her as a gift. I scanned it from a matte 3x5. As you can see in picture #1, it wasn't stored well and there was a MAJOR color shift.
I monkeyed around with it a bunch, and this is what I ended up doing:
But to me it looks hand colored, and I've taken away that sunset feeling of it. So I started over, and all I did was make a curves adjustment layer and set the black and white points to neutral black and white (like in the "Color Correcting Digital-Camera Images" section of Scott Kelby's "Photoshop CS for digital Photographers" pp.118) and this is what I got:
I like it a little better because of the sunset feeling I was talking about. Now, the picture is VERY noisy (I can't tell if it's film grain that got emphasized during the color correction or real digital noise that got emphasized, but either way it's annoying) so I tried my best to get rid of it using another Kelby technique from the same book (p. 82, converting to lab color and blurring the a and b channels). It helped a little, but it's still pretty bad.
So #1, I really need help with the noise. #2, any specific ideas/techniques to get rid of the greenish cast along the bottom left of the picture (on my sister's backside)? #3, I'm open to any ideas you all might have of what else can be done to improve the picture.
Thanks for any help,
PS Remember those funny rounded corner prints they used to do?