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Thread: File Size

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Hood River, OR

    File Size

    I wanted to submit a photo to a website I frequent, and they have a file size limit of 97k

    I use Photoshop Elements and when I usually save a file, I save it on their 1-10 scale to about a 2 or 3, which makes a file about 200-300k.

    So I scaled it down to near 0 and still had a file size of over 100k.

    In the website's file size limit, it also mentions pixel limits/size, which I don't recall, but is there another element to file size that I am missing? Like adjusting the pixel size?

    If so, how would I go about adjusting the pixels, under Elements.

    Sorry if this is too basic a question. I have published some pictures before and never had this trouble before.

    Actually, I think I tried uploading to this site and ran into the same problem.

    Thanks for any direction on this.

  2. #2
    Senior Member readingr's Avatar
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    Basingstoke UK

    Re: File Size

    If you go to image and then resize - in there put in the max dimension of the file your allowed and drop the ppi to 72, then save and you should find that the file size will be at about 100Kb at a value of 8.

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  3. #3
    Senior Member Medley's Avatar
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    Re: File Size

    I'm not positive that Elements has this, but look for File> Save for Web. Optimizing an image for web does gets the file down to a "bare bones" minimum file size, while giving you some creative control over the process. It will automatically convert the file to web colors, and strip any non-essential file data to pare down the size, then give you options that can further reduce the file size. Save quality is one factor you can use, but you can also choose to save the file as a .gif, and choose the maximum number of colors used to pare even more off the size. Best of all, it updates the file size as you make adjustments, so you can get the best image quality within your restrictions.

    Hope this helps,

    - Joe U.
    I have no intention of tiptoeing through life only to arrive safely at death.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2005
    Hood River, OR

    Re: File Size

    Thanks for both suggestions, they both appear to be what is needed.

    The save for web is not so straight forward.

    I am not sure why those option buttons seem so forebidding sometimes.

    Thanks for prodding me to try new ones.

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