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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Creating a professional website, How?

    I want to start my own website offering my photography services and portfolio, you know the type..they're generally everywhere consisting of someone's name in the url and with a little about the artist, what they do, contact numbers, etc.

    Formats I like

    While aware that flash is invisible on search engines, I do like the idea of a flash oriented website if not flash embedded in the XML.

    Generally speaking, I'm pretty ignorant on the creation of these things. Who do I call to set up one? A web developer? A web designer? If anyone has any experience in setting one up, please direct me on some basics or of your experiences in starting up a website to offer your photo services.

  2. #2
    Learning more with every "click" mjs1973's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Mineral Point, WI, USA

    Re: Creating a professional website, How?

    You can find a lot of really nice web templates out there that are pretty easy to set up. Blu Domain is a pretty popular. Google web templates for photographers and I'm sure you will find other companies that offer similar services.I have some friends who use Blu Domain and they are really happy with it. They don't know a thing about building a website, but they were able to get their site up and running without any trouble at all. I have thought about going with a template like this myself, but I haven't been able to justify the cost.

    I bought my own domain and web hosting through, and then built my own site. It needs updating in a bad way, but it's up and running. If you want to try building something yourself, Photoshop has a function built into it that will build a web gallery automatically. I used it to build my galleries.

    My website

    "I thought that because fewer wolves meant more deer, that no wolves would mean hunters' paradise. But after seeing the green fire die, I sensed that neither the wolf nor the mountain agreed with such a view."
    Aldo Leopold

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