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Thread: CF card problem

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Staten Island, NY

    CF card problem

    I have an Intel Duo Core iMac and an HP PSC 2355 printer with card reader for our CF cards that our brand new Canon rebel XT digital SLR uses.

    Doing a favor for a friend who is brand new to computers and digital photography, I brought her CF card home to put the photos on a disk for her as she had misplaced her pict bridge connection for her camera. When I got the CF card here and put it in the slot in our printer and our reading software opened, it said "no photos or folders on card". When I then decided to try to see if our Rebel XT would show the photos I knew were there on her camera, it also came up blank on the LCD screen and said that the CF card was blank.

    What could have happened between her older Canon camera with this 32MB Canon CF card and our Mac's printer that would have wiped out the photos on the card? Is it possible I erased her photos by trying them with our Mac software? I realize the compatibility thing may have been an issue with the printer, but shouldn't have been with our camera which has no problems recognizing our newer CF cards.

    I appreciate any possible answer. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Sports photo junkie jorgemonkey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    San Jose, CA

    Re: CF card problem

    I use a PC, but you might want to get a Compact Flash Card reader, and plug the card directly into the computer. Then you can browse to the card, and check out what folders/files are on it.

    Sometimes on my Nikon D70 if I use a card in it, then put it in a different camera and shoot a few images and then put it back in the D70, the camera will create a new folder and it doesn't "see" any of the other images in a different folder.
    Nikon Samurai #21


    Nikon 35mm F1.8, 35 F2, 50mm F1.8, 70-200 F2.8 VR
    Sigma 150mm F2.8 Macro
    Tokina 12-24 F4
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