I use the Windows camera wizard to import my photos, and then I use Picasa Web Albums to backup my photos online.
Back when I used Windows XP, the Scanner and Camera Wizard would always import all my photos from my camera to one directory. In this fashion I was able to use Picasa to archive ALL of my photos at once to Web Albums. In Picasa I would select the "My Pictures" directory, click "Upload to Web Albums", and it would be able to tell which files were there, which weren't, and update my online archive (a differential update).
Now with Vista, the wizard that imports photos always wants to create date time subdirectories for the photos, so I end up with multiple directories full of dated photos, instead of one directory. This would be OK with me, except for the fact that in Picasa (from what I can tell) I cannot select multiple photo folders to upload to a web album at once. I end up selecting the 01_01_2009 folder, uploading it, then selecting the 01_02_2009 folder, uploading it, ad infinitum. This gets to be a real pain, not to mention now I have to figure out which photos have, and which haven't been archived to Picasa Web yet.
The bottom line is that I want a single-click (hopefully differential) backup for all the folders underneath a selected folder, or some way to multi-select all my photos so they can be archived at the same time. Is there a way?
I would be open to other online backup services. In fact my paid sub to Picasa is about to expire/renew so if switching is necessary, now is a good time.