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Thread: Zebra

  1. #1
    learning member
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Secunda ,Mpumalanga , South-Africa


    The one photo is a zebra taken in the Kruger National Park South-Africa.
    The other shot is one i did not know what to expect ! It is a light on the border of the Kruger National Park with all the insects ( moths , mosquitos ect. ) attracting to it .
    Just like to know what you would think of it .Any comments would do !

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Zebra-insects.jpg   Zebra-zebra.jpg  

  2. #2
    mjm is offline
    that guy.
    Join Date
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    La Mesa, CA USA
    i really like the insect photo. very interesting how that turned out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Although the story behind the first image makes the image more interesting, it's however the image only that needs to make the impact.
    The image itself (without knowing the background story) is for most viewers confusing. It also has no focus point.
    The second image is too blurry. The composition would have been better if the zebra was placed lower in the picture and more to the left, because now he's almost walking out of the image. Placing the main subject on the center line of the shot has the tendancy to make the image boring.

    Thanks for sharing

  4. #4
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Hey James,
    I agree that the first shot is interesting now that we know what it is, but without understanding what it is it would not have much impact, I think. Might be best to name this image "Flying Insects drawn to the Light" or something like that.
    The second one of the Zebra is just not sharp enough to be great, and besides being covered by the tall grass it is just not framed and composed well as another stated. Best if placed in the third of the bottom left of frame or other than center. Wildlife can be difficult to capture, especially since we need to have super tele lenses to get them most of the time. What equip. did you use?
    please do not edit and repost my photos


  5. #5
    learning member
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Secunda ,Mpumalanga , South-Africa
    Thanks JoeD and Gary for your comments.

    JoeD is right - the picture must tell the story and make the viewer interesting to look and be able to see a story in the photo.
    The second one of the zebra was a bad shot . Thanks for the comments on the composition and where to have actually put the zebra.
    That is a area where i do have some difficulties still - but i do work on it , will keep on practising.
    I did read a few articles on the rule of thirds . But that still need some practice.
    I do not have expensive equipment to capture wildlife . I am trying to use what i do have .
    I am using a panasonic lumix dmc - fz1 digital camera.
    Once i get to know more of photography i will get a more expensive slr camera.

    Thanks again

    Quote Originally Posted by JoeD
    Although the story behind the first image makes the image more interesting, it's however the image only that needs to make the impact.
    The image itself (without knowing the background story) is for most viewers confusing. It also has no focus point.
    The second image is too blurry. The composition would have been better if the zebra was placed lower in the picture and more to the left, because now he's almost walking out of the image. Placing the main subject on the center line of the shot has the tendancy to make the image boring.

    Thanks for sharing

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