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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Lexington, Ky

    From yesterdays halloween pet shoot.


    These are from yesterdays shoot.


  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Oologah, Oklahoma

    Re: From yesterdays halloween pet shoot.

    Two cents from an rookie: The suggestion on the "Me and my dogs need help" thread about the man looking away from the camera might have worked here as well for your #1. The dogs look great, but they are all looking somewhere else. The man looks too stiff and posed -- but, I can only imagine how hard it is to get perfection from four subjects! Love the quizz-acle (spelling?) look in #2. The placement of the prop "growing from the dog's head" is bothersome to me. I might have placed the biggest pumpkin on the floor next to the dog and built up the haybales to a level above the dog's ear. Again, I love the expression of dog #3, but the split in the haybales is a little bothersome. Ditto for #4. If #4 dog could talk, you all might have gotten an earful! Hilarious! My nitpicks were more with your background than with the subjects -- but, hey, you are selling pictures!

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Lexington, Ky

    Re: From yesterdays halloween pet shoot.

    Thanks for the comments. Yes the split in the hay bales bother me as well, but that happened while placing the dog and then you have to get the shot before the dog decides to call it a day lol. The shot with the mutilple dogs was the most difficult. I'm just greatful when they all look in my general direction. If I were home in my studio I could take more time but at events like these I have like 15 to 20 min to get the shot and get it printed before the next customer, but again thanks for the comments they are greatly appriciated.


  4. #4
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: From yesterdays halloween pet shoot.

    I love this! though I agree that the doggies seem a bit stiff. but what can ya do?.. Kids are hard enough Great work considering. I esp like the top (first) pic -- hilarious.

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Lexington, Ky

    Re: From yesterdays halloween pet shoot.

    Yes in some ways it's harder than kids but in other ways much's not so much the pets as it is the


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