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I came in contact with a Dutch photographer while he was on a trip in Israel, and he wanted o see the ultra-orthodox lifestyle so i took him to a yeshiva, in proximity to where I live and these pictures are from there.
I find the first two to be quite striking, love the unusual angle in the first and the sense of concentration in the second jumps out at me, interesting stuff.
The subject matter is good, but they may be too tight/cramped. Maybe too little DOF also. I know you were shooting for flashless images - what ISO did you use? Seems like it may be a good decision to up the ISO at the expense of noise, so to get more DOF...
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Feel free to edit and repost my photos as part of your critique.
I think 1,2,& 4 stand out as the keepers, for me - especially # 2. Number 5 does nothing for me, and # 3 seems to have some DoF issues as well as the boy's head being chopped off (might be better as a vertically cropped solo portrait of the boy in the glasses). Overall, very nice work - you should be pleased with the results.