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What caught my immediate attention was the tewxture and feel to the underside of the stairs. Organic,as manacsa said, perfectly describes it. But the exposure is also fine in a situation of contrasts and difficult lighting.. The blur on the humans is just about perfect too.
All in all a great shot that I think would look great in a large print.
I have a total lack of respect for anything connected with society, except that which makes the roads safer, the beer stronger, the food cheaper, and the old men and old women warmer in the winter and happier in the summer. Brendan Behan
I like it. A few things distract me a little, but I think they balance each other out to make a strong picture. The texture and extended shutter is a great touch IMO.
I didn't even notice the stair climbers at the bottom. Fortunately they were blurred enough not to take away from the subject.
Glad it worked, I took about a dozen photos, while my wife sat, bored, waiting to go home.
I took a few just of the staircase, but I thought it was lacking something without people.
But I didn't want the people to dominate, so I used long exposure to have ghostly hints of people.
except the blown out lights detract from the shot.
Without them, I thought it was too tightly cropped to the spiral.
Maybe more dark to the left would balance the lights?
That's one reason I didn't try to make the staircase axis vertivcal, to get more dark in the top left to balance the light bottom right.
It didn't have the same impact in daytime, I went back and tried.
But the exposure is also fine in a situation of contrasts and difficult lighting.. The blur on the humans is just about perfect too.
Thanks, I had to work at it, usng the histogram to check the exposure.
Not for the lights, but watching the mid-tones for the rest of the image
These are two of the rejects from that night.
I tried to balance the lights of the car park, with the dark outside.
I also wanted the people in it to give some movement in an otherwise rather sterile image.
With the perspective giving strong right to left lines from the garage, I tried to cmopensate for that by putting the axis of the stairs off vertical too. With no ground references I was able to do that without giving away what I'd done.
Ideally I'd like more room on the left, perhaps since it's black I can just enlarge the canvas with a black background colour and see how it looks.
I backed up a bit further, but then the condom machine got in the way, and it brought in a street light on the right. Maybe with a bit og crop and editing this one is usable, too?