buddy had an extra ticket that was offered to me last minute... grabbed the camera not knowing i would be in the 3rd row
never was a fan of wrestling but it sure was fun to watch up close and personal... just too bad i couldnt get down to floor level closer to the ring
shot with D70, just got it and still need to learn a lot about shooting dslr's. i just ran these pics through photoshop for autolevel cause there were so many and didnt need to waste my time editing all of them to perfection. lighting was tough... constantly changing along with all the smoke, so the contrast is up a bit to counter the smoke.
here are a few decent ones:
most shots at 1/60, 1000 iso, +3 EV, auto white balance, nikkor 18-70mm
any suggestion would be greatly appreciated, always wanting to learn more ;)
i took about 150 pics at this event, so pm me if ur interested in seeing the rest of the gallery