While taking a nice hike, I captured this photo with my D80 and the Sigma 15-30 lens (f/4 if you are wondering). This was probably one of the scariest places I have ever photographed from-- there's a column of gale force winds that blow up beside you and the trail is only wide enough for one "healthy" person. Thankfully I have a nice Gitzo Basalt pod that allowed a good shot in such a cramped environment. The workflow consisted of Nik Sharpener Pro's RAW pre-sharpener, Adobe Camera Raw, DXO to get rid of the distortion and slight CA, ran it through Nik Viveza, altered curves in photoshop, ran it through Alien Skin Exposure's Velvia 50 simulator, increased exposure, lowered saturation and finally ran Nik Sharpener's display filter.
I'm curious to know how I can improve the colour of this image (warmer, more/less contrast, saturation, brightness, etc.)