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Thread: Winter Walk

  1. #1
    Senior Member swmdrayfan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Kalamazoo, Mi

    Winter Walk

    Investigating the nature trail on a sunny winter's day.

  2. #2
    Senior Member dbutler's Avatar
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    Beijing, China

    Re: Winter Walk

    Again, I can see what drew you to this and it's a great scene. But I think that it's "too much" to look at. I would like to concentrate on just a portion of the scene I think. Right now, I think there are two sets of trees competing for my attention: There's the one on the left, with the horizontal branch. And there's the one on the right, with the weighted down branches. I think if you cropped it to make either of these your focus, you'd have a much stronger shot (I favor the one on the right, if you wanna know - and I KNOW you do!).

    I'm leaving my husband for my D3X! I'm in love!!!

    Please, feel free to edit the images I submit for critique. I'm a visual kind of gal!

  3. #3
    Snap Happy CaraRose's Avatar
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    Aug 2003
    Chicago, IL, USA

    Re: Winter Walk

    Very pretty but seems to lack a central focus. I agree with Dbutler, that focusing on a smaller area would work better and give the eye something specific to be drawn to.

  4. #4
    Not-so-recent Nikon Convert livin4lax09's Avatar
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    Dec 2004

    Re: Winter Walk

    it needs a definite subject. While these pictures are fun, they benefit a lot more with something the eye can focus on, like the other said. Maybe a small tree in the foreground. It just needs to draw the attention somewhere.

  5. #5
    Senior Member swmdrayfan's Avatar
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    Kalamazoo, Mi

    Re: Winter Walk

    Crop,crop,crop....that's all you people think about . Seriously, I must consider your points, and will take another look at everything I posted today. I'll play with various aspects of the cropping tool, saturation, and every suggestion I've heard so far.
    (now we're gettin' somewhere ;) )

  6. #6
    Grumpy Old Man Overbeyond's Avatar
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    Ireland (Now in London)

    Re: Winter Walk

    On first look i found this a bit too much without a focal point. Then I wheeled my chair back and viewed it from a distance and I thought it really looked well. The winter colours and light looked great.
    But it just needs that little bit of added interest.

    Ps: I thought your post on lack of response was very sincere and contained valid points. I for one can be choosey about which pictures I respond to. Your words have brought it to my attention that I have been unfair. I will make it my business to be more inclusive in the future.

    I have a total lack of respect for anything connected with society, except that which makes the roads safer, the beer stronger, the food cheaper, and the old men and old women warmer in the winter and happier in the summer. Brendan Behan

  7. #7
    Senior Member swmdrayfan's Avatar
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    Jun 2005
    Kalamazoo, Mi

    Re: Winter Walk

    Thanks Tom, when I was out for this 'walk' I went a little deeper and off the beaten path to see if I could find something else. The way the sun was shining thru the trees appealed to me, and I snapped different shots just to see what would turn up. It wasn't really in my mind to find a definate focal point, and judging by some of the comments, I erred a bit in not looking to find one. As I read thru these responses, I am writing down the main points people are making, and hope to put those to good use in the future.

    As a result of my 'rant', I've gotten immediate results with regards to input from the people that really can tell me what I need to know in terms of composition, framing, and conveying what I want a photo to say. If I've struck a nerve with other forum members, that's good. By learning from all of you, I can better assess my own needs and skills. It will also make me a more capable 'critic', if you will, in assessing the work of others. In the end we all learn from each other.

  8. #8
    is back jar_e's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Calgary, Alberta

    Re: Winter Walk

    Same as everyone else, though I'd recommend you crop with your viewfinder not your editing program. Take time to find a composition, and rattle off 5-6 pictures with different settings. It's easier to know what to crop if you know what your looking for than just taking pictures and trying to find a crop.

    You'll get it, it just takes practice!


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