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  1. #1
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Winter in Sullivan County, Old Shack.

    Not framed as I would have liked, but there were lots of distractions around and had to isolate them as best I could.
    I felt this worked in the end. . .
    What do you think?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Winter in Sullivan County, Old Shack.-0207-0881x.jpg  
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Winter in Sullivan County, Old Shack.

    I like it (I really like images like this - old human habitats abandoned and being reclaimed by nature kind of a thing) - as usual from what I've seen from your work its got excellent technical execution. The only things I might have done different would be to see it in b&w and maybe crop a little off the bottom, but those are personal preferences more than anything.

  3. #3
    Grumpy Old Man Overbeyond's Avatar
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    Re: Winter in Sullivan County, Old Shack.

    It's as if the old shed is proudly holding back its head and shoulders for a formal portrait. It's ever so nice and that's a perfect sheet of snow on the roof. I honestly cannot find anything to critique here as everyting looks good to me. I enjoy the lack of any bold colours and there is nice, subtle variations in the timberwork. Maybe the tree parts that are visible behind the shed are a little unwanted but in no way do they detract really.
    I could imagine that there is a whole series to be created around this old shed alone.
    Is Sullivan County somewhere outside NY State?
    High standards as usual Gary.

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  4. #4
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
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    Re: Winter in Sullivan County, Old Shack.

    It's a fine composition Gary, but it doesn't do much for me.
    I think it needs a little more on the back of the structure.
    I am not sure it fits in with the rest of your work, either some of the series or the singles.
    Technically, it's great, it's very sharp and the whites are white.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Re: Winter in Sullivan County, Old Shack.

    its a weird and wonderfull shape.. somehow it looks wrong.. or a little too "wrong".. i would be tempted to tilt it slightly to the left to try and even out all those odd angles..

    perhaps not have the crop/frame so tight either side.. that exagerate the odd angles..

    nice colours and apart form its "oddness" i like it..


  6. #6
    Love + Music + Photography = Life CLKunst's Avatar
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    Re: Winter in Sullivan County, Old Shack.

    You had me at Old Shack.

    I'm really enjoying the tones and textures at work in this image. There is almost a painted feeling happening here except that it's so crisp. You seem to always keep your eyes peeled for excellent locations and I think this one is no exception. Quite a charismatic image for this old shed. The brooding weather in the background give this just the right presence. The crop is a little tight as you mentioned but I think that adds in this case ~ it feels the shack is actually pushing the framing a bit. This is a photo I know I could go back and look at again and again. Beautiful work Gary.

    C.L. Kunst - CLicKs Photography
    Asheville Photographer

  7. #7
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Winter in Sullivan County, Old Shack.

    Thanks for the responses.

    Ravemore . . . Yes, this type subject could be well in b&w or sepia, but I have a thing for the desaturated look. I also felt the icy tone of the sky worked best in some color. I have since opened up the crop a bit at the top which should bring the subject down as your suggestion with a bottom crop. I did not want to lose too much of the fg and so adding sky above seemed to work well. Thanks for commenting

    Tom. . . You have a great way with descriptions as anyone who takes a look at your website can immediately gather. I liked how the shack was angled and deformed and your description is fitting. I have since edited this a bit from some of the comments received here as well as how i felt about it. I opened up some more space at the back and top. I posted a link to the updated image, although the subtle change will probably be hard to notice without a direct side by side comparison.
    Sullivan County is in N.Y State at the Southern part. Still further north from where I live. Delaware river runs along one side of it and the Catskill mountains at the other side.
    Thanks for your thoughts , Tom

    Brian. . . I opened up the right side a bit in my edit. I'm happy to know you think the comp is ok. I have a few more barn scenes and winter stuff, so maybe after it will look like it fits in! Thanks for the time, Brian.

    trog. . . I have opened up the right side and the top some more in my edit that I have included a link to. I also adjusted the tilt, slightly, but did not want to lose it's odd lean.
    thanks for the comments

    CLkunst . . .I know, I really like these rustic structures. Cabins and shacks and barns warm my soul . . . I'm glad you think this works as I was ready to hear from everyone about the tight framing. I opened this up a bit more in PS and think it is somewhat. . . .more able to breathe. I appreciate your comments much.
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  8. #8
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
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    Re: Winter in Sullivan County, Old Shack.

    I pretty much totaly agree with Tom on this one. It's almost as if it is looking up at the sky. I also agree with Ravenmore your technical skills are always top notch. I also think that I would leave it in color. Great capture, But what's all of that white stuff on the ground.?LOL . It's suppose to be close 70 here in Georgia today. How about sending me some of that snow where I can us to in my pictures?
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  9. #9
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Winter in Sullivan County, Old Shack.

    Quote Originally Posted by Greg McCary
    I pretty much totaly agree with Tom on this one. It's almost as if it is looking up at the sky. I also agree with Ravenmore your technical skills are always top notch. I also think that I would leave it in color. Great capture, But what's all of that white stuff on the ground.?LOL . It's suppose to be close 70 here in Georgia today. How about sending me some of that snow where I can us to in my pictures?

    Thanks as always for commenting, Greg. 70, huh Well, we did not get a whole lot of Snow here in these parts so far, but what we have I would sure send to you if I could. ;) Actually, I do like the seasons that we go through here, and so a little snow sometimes can be nice ( key word "little")
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