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  1. #1
    Peace to all creatures great and small ERdept's Avatar
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    Wine anyone or My first picture

    This is my first attempt at anything "artistic" with my Nikon D70. Please be gentle, but critique away.

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    ps. I tried uploading a picture but couldn't what am I doing wrong?
    Last edited by ERdept; 11-01-2005 at 07:05 PM. Reason: question

  2. #2
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Wine anyone or My first picture

    Cliff - I don't know what you're doing wrong cause your photo looks like its dimensions are acceptable. It is a decent shot, but it seems like the left-side candle isn't as sharp as the right one.. Not sure why, unless you used a somewhat shallow DOF. When you're this close you really have to crank the aperature down to something like 11 or 13.5. The composition is different, would have been nice to see another glowing object on the right side for a total of 3, but who knows?


  3. #3
    Peace to all creatures great and small ERdept's Avatar
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    Re: Wine anyone or My first picture

    Thanks for the advice. I'm glad that I didn't get blasted. So i was using the following settings: 18-70 mm kit lens that came with the camera. Set at 44 mm. ISO 1600, f/3.5-4.5, 1/2.5 second.

    So I should open my apeture up. Will that sharpen the whole picture?

    Thanks again. I'm glad that I didn't totally submit a bomb.


  4. #4
    Love + Music + Photography = Life CLKunst's Avatar
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    Re: Wine anyone or My first picture

    Definitely it will sharpen the total depth of your picture but it will also increase your exposure time. Use a tripod to eliminate shake and I would suggest using your aperture priority setting set to say F11 or F13, get the focus as right as possible, and let the camera figure out the proper exposure time. Also try fiddling with your white balance settings.
    C.L. Kunst - CLicKs Photography
    Asheville Photographer

  5. #5
    Peace to all creatures great and small ERdept's Avatar
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    Re: Wine anyone or My first picture

    OK, I'll set the camera on apeture priority, "A", and the setting to 11 and 13. This is what I got. The camera figured out the shutter speed and ISO. The crystals are still not clear, but I got a brighter picture.

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    Last edited by ERdept; 11-02-2005 at 02:36 AM.

  6. #6
    Love + Music + Photography = Life CLKunst's Avatar
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    Re: Wine anyone or My first picture

    You are really close. Since you are using digital in the dark and you want to see the crystals of the lamp clearly and not so much the scene around it I would recommend that you do a spot reading for aperture with the light meter in the camera and then underexpose by a half to a whole step and see what you like better. I suggest this because you are aiming the camera at a direct light source which will cause your in camera meter to read the brightest light around (Candle) and blow out has occurred at all of the light holes making it look "Fuzzy". Underexposing by a little will allow you to retain the details "inside" the candle. Still keep the aperture high F11 or F13 and use your automatic setting but once it has determined your proper settings move up the F stop another notch or so. You may have to experiment around a lot more to get it just like you want it. You can also take notes for what the camera would set it for and re-create it using manual controls. I really liked the picture you posted previously of this candle from a down shot too. Keep trying and Good Luck.
    C.L. Kunst - CLicKs Photography
    Asheville Photographer

  7. #7
    Just a Member Chunk's Avatar
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    Re: Wine anyone or My first picture

    Quote Originally Posted by ERdept
    Thanks for the advice. I'm glad that I didn't get blasted. So i was using the following settings: 18-70 mm kit lens that came with the camera. Set at 44 mm. ISO 1600, f/3.5-4.5, 1/2.5 second.

    So I should open my apeture up. Will that sharpen the whole picture?

    Thanks again. I'm glad that I didn't totally submit a bomb.

    No - Opening your aperture will narrow the dof not increase it. You want to use a smaller aperture (larger f number) to make more of your photo in focus.
    I'd suggest dodging the candle to allow the winebottle to have more of the attention and perhaps add a wineglass to the composition.

  8. #8
    Love + Music + Photography = Life CLKunst's Avatar
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    Re: Wine anyone or My first picture

    Thanks Chunk. I always get that screwed up when explaining it. Bigger number F-stop = less amount of light and longer exposure times.
    C.L. Kunst - CLicKs Photography
    Asheville Photographer

  9. #9
    Paint with Light PuckJunkey's Avatar
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    Re: Wine anyone or My first picture

    I like the mood of this shot very much, however I think you've abstracted a bit too much out of the right side of the picture. It just seems a little too "on its own" somehow, rather than part of a larger environment. I think even if there were some very faint, blurry details in the background. Maybe a shimmer from the bar or another table... something. Anything to make it feel less like it was shot in total darkness / against a backdrop.

    In general these kind of shots are tough to pull off, but when you pull it off, they *really* work. Keep at it and let us know the results.
    D200 = Digital F100
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  10. #10
    Peace to all creatures great and small ERdept's Avatar
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    Re: Wine anyone or My first picture

    OK, I've taken all of your advice and put into effect as much as I could. This time, the exposure was for 30 seconds, ISO 200, White balance set to "A", Apeture set to 13.

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    let me know please what you think and if it's better than the original.


  11. #11
    Paint with Light PuckJunkey's Avatar
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    Re: Wine anyone or My first picture

    Better... still have that super-darkcontrast thing going on the right side of the picture but the mood is more palpable here. A little bit of over-glow on the bottle in that one spot. Is there any way you can maybe put some candles on the floor in the background or something similar, where you don't see the candles but do get the effect of their light flickering off wood tables or whatever?
    D200 = Digital F100
    I have achieved nirvana.

  12. #12
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    Re: Wine anyone or My first picture

    What size did you post this last one at? If I have to wait 10-15 min for a file to open, I'm not gonna look. I think the size limit here is 640 pixels and 165 KB, Which seems to me to be big enough.
    My preference would be that you post the image here plus a link for a larger size if thats what you want to show. I have dial up service.I dont't think I'm alone(yet).
    I do like the pics and these types of photos. I have nothing to add to what others have posted, and am learning from their comments.
    Thanks for posting these, I'm just bummed I won't get to see this latest one.

  13. #13
    Peace to all creatures great and small ERdept's Avatar
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    Re: Wine anyone or My first picture


    I don't know how to post pictures here like other have. What I mean by this is that when I see other's post, I already see the picture on the screen and don't have to click any link.

    I'd like to make my pictures show up like that too. Any advice?


  14. #14
    learning member
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    Re: Wine anyone or My first picture

    How To Post Photos
    Strange, I searched for "How to post photos" because I have seen it several times, and got no results.
    As for image size I resize the longest dimension to 640 pixels and save as a copy in jpeg at whatever compression less than 165 kb.
    This thread should be updated and posted in pq and vf.

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