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Very nice colors and sharpness. The cat in the foreground is OK but doesnt completely offer the perfect subject because it is somewhat obscured by the drape, and a little small. But it is better than not being there at all. good work overall.
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Nice, the cat's not over-emphasised.
I like the light and colours in the window, very effective.
1/3 light, 2/3 darker, but with different colours right and left 1/3 in the darker area.
The pelmet curtain at the top and the chair at the bottom give just enough distraction from the geometry of the window panes themselves and add a scale and context.
The outside scene is dark enough not to distract, I guess that's the effect of the net curtains.
And the subtle double image of the cat, dark shadow on the curtain and the fainter image of the cat behind the curtain.
Lovely, rich, plenty to attract the eye, rewards careful examination, and it all comes back - for me - to the cat.
definitely the kind of shot I expect from you. The subtle subject is always what keeps your eye entertained. It's easy to just place your object right in the frame, so the viewers eyes know exactly where to go, but you make it so the eyes look over the entire scene first then to the subject. I like the color on this one, and I feel it is one of my favorites that I have seen from you in a little while.
Love the colors, love the idea, love the exposure and it is a great subject (and you didn't have to get cold to take the shot!).
I would like to see everything above the 4th horizontal shadow of the window pane cropped out. I think that would get rid of the distraction at the top and give the cat a more noticable presence.
Tuna, the vertical lines from the drapes colors, shadows, and seams are pleasing to view. The cat in the window is an added bonus. I like it as is, but after reading some of the other critiques I do wonder if it could be improved by a slight straightening and a crop off the top eliminating the valance hanging down.
On second thought, the straightening is surley not important here, and after scrolling up on screen to crop out the valance I find that while it still looks good and provides a cleaner overall comp, the valance definetly adds something as well. Either way, as I said, I like it as it is.
Good catch.