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Hey, Seb. Very nice. Just wondering if you have a shot with the image or subject reversed: the grass blowing in focus and the barn blurry. I wonder how that would convey the essence of wind? Very nice as is though.
CF: Unfortunatelly, no. I haven't thought about doing that at all. That's a good idea. I'll make sure to shoot in both ways the next time I face something similar. Thanks.
at first i looked at the picture and i thought it was kinda strange, but after i thought about the title (im a bit slow when it comes to making connections ) i realized that i like this one a lot. it really does convey the wind well and yet its not to intensely showing the wind. nice job as usual.
I like the way you pulled this off. The feeling it gives me is like a kid peering into a barn from across a field, hoping to see something special. It's peaceful.
I tried doing something similar last week - I deleted it - didn't work for me. :-(