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Thread: Wildbeest

  1. #1
    GB1 is offline
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    Several images of wildebeest in the Serengeti. These were taken with a 80-400 vibration reduction lens and the non-focus area seem somewhat strange to me. I know that different lenses show blur differently, but it just seems off.

    Anyway, C&Cs appreciated.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Wildbeest-wb_dsc9948_px800.jpg   Wildbeest-wb_dsc0028_px800.jpg   Wildbeest-wb_dsc0026_px800.jpg   Wildbeest-wb_dsc9949_px800.jpg  
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  2. #2
    Powder River Imaging EOSThree's Avatar
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    Re: Wildbeest

    The Bokeh seems smoothed out, almost as if some NR was applied or something. I would guess photographing Wildebeast is similar to photographing Bison. Looks like it's been quite a trip.
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  3. #3
    To Capture the Mind! MarcusK's Avatar
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    Re: Wildbeest

    Ooooo #3 is the best of the lot for me!

    1- As as they may be, here the cutting of the head is somewhat disturbing!

    2- works, it's that something feels off about it... maybe a bit more wildebeests in the background and foreground... dunno!

    3- Works as is... love the expression on the ugly bastard!

    4- The blown out parts of the water detract from the image for me here... also the part tail at the top right corner could be cropped out here.... also the top, center, the close to the edge beest is detracting as well....

    Every time you post of the serenguetti i feel jealous...

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  4. #4
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Wildbeest

    EOS - Thanks. I did so some post processing but nowhere near the amt that would cause that look you mention here... I don't know what's up! A lot of the shots with that VR lens look like that. Boo. But with more tweaking I think they may nudgeable back to "normal."

    Marc, as always, you really provided a very detailed and welcome response. I agree that the shots seem off a little, either compositionally or with their lighting. Or maybe the lens. Also, I had to do a fair amt of sharpening and of course that can make them look look shiny or something. It is funny but on that last one I had to tone down the contrast so that the water wouldnt be overbearing, but you still flagged it. Tough time of day I suppose.

    I think a lot of these shots will be a project for awhile. Perhaps they will come out with new PS filters and effects in a year or two that will magically fix the odd bokeh, slight bluriness, and harsh lighting, and all with a click of a button :23: :crazy: :ihih: And maybe make Wildebeest look prettier too.

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