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Thread: Wierd effect

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Port Elizabeth, South Africa

    Wierd effect

    This shot was taken some time ago in a local semi-desert where trees are few and far between and often leafless. Took this shot in the gloaming but was surprised to get the speckled noisy effect on the ground areas of the photo - do you folk think this is simply "normal" noise or is something else at play here that I am missing?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Wierd effect-lonely-hibernation-_dsc7096.jpg  

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Chicago, IL, USA

    Re: Wierd effect

    Regarding the noise - can you share EXIF information - especially the ISO setting of the camera? I drive home from work going west every night and I have seen silhouettes of trees against the orange sky on several occasions where I thought that they may make an interesting photograph. i think this is a really interesting idea, but I would have composed it a little different. First off, I would include all of the tree with some ground around it, and I would have perhaps put it to the side, even though a centered crop may work. If centered, I would think about horizon being a little lower in the frame. The photo does have lots of mood, though - which I like.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Port Elizabeth, South Africa

    Re: Wierd effect

    Thanks for the reply - I fully agree with your comments regarding the composition. Will go back to the RAW file and see what can be done. Believe it or not this was taken hand held. Wish I could understand the "sparkles" that are significantly more pronounced in the original - the re-sized has lost a lot and is somewhat more dull. The exif data relates to the processed jpeg before re-sizing.

    File: Lonely hibernation _DSC7096.jpg
    File size: 9,555KB
    Camera Model: DSLR-A900
    Firmware: Adobe Photoshop CS4 Windows
    Date/Time: 2010:09:24 18:52:07
    Shutter speed: 1/13 sec
    Aperture: 22
    Exposure mode: Av
    Exposure compensation: -1
    Flash: Off
    Metering mode: Multi-segment
    ISO: 1600
    Lens: 16 to 35mm
    Focal length: 30mm
    Focal length: 30mm (in 35mm film)
    Image size: 6048 x 4032
    Rotation: none
    White balance: Auto
    Color space: AdobeRGB
    Saturation: Normal
    Sharpness: Normal
    Contrast: Normal
    Color profile: Adobe RGB (1998)
    User comments:
    "SONY DSC"

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Chicago, IL, USA

    Re: Wierd effect

    Couple of things I noticed in the EXIF info. ISO 1600 and exposure compensation -1. This would suggest a one stop underexposed imaged at "fairly" high ISO. I would say your "sparkles" are digital noise ...but to tell you the truth, what I see is textured ground, and it does not bother me much.

  5. #5
    monkey44 monkey44's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Cape Cod, MA, USA

    Re: Wierd effect

    An odd thought here - first thing came to mind. Crop to a vertical and make this an image of the tree and the sky becomes a very creative 'incidental'...

    I agree, noise is probably high ISO

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