Photo Critique Forum

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Sleepy Eye, MN

    White tiger at Busch Gardens Tampa

    This is just an amaing looking animal. I love how its eyes are similar in color to the water in the background. Took this pic. through glass at the Busch Gardens tiger exhibit in Tampa, FL. Quite new to my dslr yet and was just wondering if this is a decent cropping, the object on the right of the frame is a "cave" wall, I thought it'd be interesting to add it into the picture but now I'm not sure I like it. Also I was just wondering if the tiger would be considered "washed out" or "blown out", whichever the correct terminology would be . The histogram looks fine to me, but then again I am pretty new to this all yet and I may not even know what "fine" looks like. lol
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails White tiger at Busch Gardens Tampa-whitetiger2.jpg  

  2. #2
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Rome Ga.

    Re: White tiger at Busch Gardens Tampa

    The whole image looks a little flat to me. I think it could use a contrast and a saturation boost. Maybe drop the light slightly too. I would say crop the right side and get rid of the blurry rock but that would mean losing the paws. I also think you could clone the weed in the foreground too.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Oologah, Oklahoma

    Re: White tiger at Busch Gardens Tampa

    I am very new to all this myself. I didn't have much trouble forming a .02 cent opinion on several photographs on this my first day of posting -- until I came to yours. I 'm not sure what "fine" is yet either!

    I would like to see the previous poster's suggestion about the color saturation demonstrated on your picture. I'm not sure I understand what "it looks flat" means.

    I personally could not clone out anything as I am PS illiterate. I would crop out just enough grass to eliminate the bulk of the tall stuff. To me that is a little distracting. Personally I like the framing that the cave wall provides -- and it would be a shame to lose the paws of that beautiful animal!

    From one newbie to another: Good job. (I'm working up the nerve to post some of my own.)

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