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Kodachrome? Is that that "film" stuff all you old timers talk about?
J/k Greg
Love the detail and contrast. I think it would have been nice to have that dominant diagonal line go somewhere, it seems to take me right out of the picture. But I really like the textures, I bet it looks even better on film.
Thanks for commenting. The border is indeed the actual slide mount. It's curved corners was my frequent enemy when trying to scan: you have to decide whether you want to lose some of the horizontal image area, or the vertical. The things people and companies like Kodak do to try to be different.
Matt, I see what you mean about the diagonal line departing to nowhere. It's a bit sad that vertical formats often have this problem. I guess that's part of the reason why landscape is more popular.
And yeah, that's film Shot this up about two years ago, in time to get it developed before the last lab - Dwaynes - stopped its KR processing. I wonder if some company will start making and developing Kodachrome again one day, just for grins?
Pete, I agree that the black border is a bit intense. I just tried the drop shadow but couldn't get it to look right, so here's just the image w/o a border -- any better?
MB1, it is a tad cool. I can try livening it up.
Thanks too, Wfooshee and Baldemont.
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Yeah thats better imo, out of curiosity how white should those sands really be ? Is the Red/Brown tint a time of day thing ?
I also think this is one of those rare occasions in which the sky is improved through the absence of clouds....
Last edited by hminx; 01-14-2012 at 01:17 AM.
Isn't it a cool thing in nature that the colours never seem to clash...
Greg, I really like this image. You've done a great job capturing the detail of the wind-grain in the sand and there are lots of lines to follow throughout the scene. The unframed version is much better, IMO. I think Pete's thought is the same that struck me, I would expect more whiteness to the sand, rather than the earth tones currently showing...but you were there.
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"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." Wayne Gretzky
GB I have always loved your film shots. This one is very nice. A classic looking shot. I would love to have a print of this. Great depth, patterns ect. Nice work.
I am like Barney Fife, I have a gun but Andy makes me keep the bullet in my pocket..
Thanks guys! It seems that barring a really bad day in the field, getting decent shots of White Sands is pretty easy to do. The sand is mostly white, but not so much when the sun starts getting near the horizon. At that point, it is indeed more brownish and, depending on the situation in the sky, has a bluish tint (if your brain lets you see what's really there, instead of correcting for it). Also note that unlike Fuji Velvia or the Ektachrome series, Kodachrome was a very neutral film, so you were much more likely to get natural colors.
Thanks Pete, great point! I never realized that about the sky; clouds usually add interest, but when you have a nice foreground subject, I guess they can actually distract!
Ken, thanks too. This one's slightly conflicted, like I am not sure whether it's settled or tense in the portrait format, with the lines being cut like they are. Not bad for a change-up, anyway.
Greg, I wonder if somehow my film shots come out better due to the film? Hmm.
Thanks also, Neous.
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