I'm pretty new to photography.. (you all make it seem so easy to get great shots). My husband bought me a camera (Nikon D40x) and i'd really like to learn how to use it (and how to take decent photographs).
We went camping last weekend and we came across this beautiful little pond with snow capped mountains in the background. It looked fantastic through the view finder but not so good in the photograph.
I was wondering if you all could give me one or two basic tips that would have improved this photo. I would really appreciate it. I want to get better at this.. i just don't know how. Would increasing the shutter speed make the photo look more crisp/clear? Is my aperature too big? Should I not have used a polarizing filter? What would have been a better way to compose this shot?
Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
Nikon D40x
Time taken: 4:09pm
Circular polarizing filter
f-stop: f/9
shutter speed: 1/100 sec
ISO: 200
Focal length: 20mm
Metering Mode: Pattern
No flash
Saturation: Normal
Sharpness: Hard