I hope this is appropriate since it concerns the quality of the critiques and I hope I'm not imposing on anyone by being specific as to how others can help me improve my work...
I plan to continue posting here as long as this site is up and running (probably forever) or till I get sick of photography (when Hades freezes over probably) Anyway my point is
THESE are the criteria I would love to see in a critique----
1. what works--- based on technical criteria (composition, color, contrast, DOF, lighting,etc)
2. what doesn't work --- based on the same criteria as above....
3. what you like---this would be a chance to express what your personal tastes are
4. what you don't like ---- see above
5. HOW you would improve the image and what you might have done differently
6. what feeling if any it conveys...
there are a lot of you out there--- I'm sure you know who you are, that have always met this type of criteria because you are the type of people who want to help others perfect this craft. People who shgare you likes dislikes and your technical and personal experience at makes this forum so worthwhile to post and learn from...Thanks to those people....
there are still others out there that come on here from time to time and offer sometimes brutally honest critiques--- which is great because it's good to see both sides of the coin as they say....but pointing out what's wrong with an image without really pointing out a solution is just as useless to me and my learning process--- as not seeing any reply or interest in a post. It provides nothing to learn from.
I know we all have hectic lives and busy schedules but please do me a favor (if I may ask that of you) and help me to learn by being constructive....which by definition means Serving to improve or advance
If I may also ask that although from time to time, people and tempers and feathers can be ruffled based on opinions and disagreements---Please just take it to another forum or start your own thread... I come on here in the spare time I have from raising my children and having a family and trying to get this beast called photography right....I don't have time to weed thru petty and useless arguments between people that should have better things to do with their time...when al I'm trying to do is get some feedback on an image I've posted.
I in turn will try to do the same for you...Thank You ;)
Thank you...sorry for the length of my speech---I'll get off the soapbox now...sorry if this was inappropriate Brian...just my two cents to share....