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Thread: Wee Dram

  1. #1
    Dyslexics of the world Untie! Nicci's Avatar
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    Wee Dram

    Having fun with reflections. Now, I was slightly tipsy when I took this but I believe it turned out okay and that the composition is pretty good and tight but I am biased. The words aren't crisp and I can't figure out how to make them crisp in photoshop.

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  2. #2
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: Wee Dram

    I think you did very well, considering your condition.
    The two problems that stand our for me is the top of the glass being missing and the background just above the bottle where the reddish thing and floor are.
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  3. #3
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Wee Dram

    I understand why you tried to get the entire reflection of the bottle in there as it was pretty cool looking on the table, but we really only need to see a third or quarter of it really. I think moving the crop up so the top of the glass was there and less table/refection would balance alot better. However, the background that might have been included in doing so might not be a good thing, as I can see from here it would be distracting and so this might have been your best go considering the situation, as frog stated.
    Looks sharp enough here, but probably is not tack sharp considering hand holding and you being tipsy and all in a somewhat dark room to begin with.
    Text in a photo, especially small text does not always appear too sharp on screen anyway and the real judging would be in a print. Looks like your focus was on the bottm area of the label, and text there seems pretty tight, but being you most likely shot with a wide open aperture your sharpness will diminish quick in front , and to the back. nothing you can do bout that really.
    You can try selectiing the label in PS and then apply a sharpening with a fairly large radius setting and small amount, that usually gets text to pop some more. I don't think you need to though.
    Pretty nice image, great color and good exposure.
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  4. #4
    GoldMember Lava Lamp's Avatar
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    Re: Wee Dram

    Quote Originally Posted by Nicci

    Maybe a little burning in the background and levels adjustment and sharpening on the label. I tried it, but didn't want to repost without your permission...

  5. #5
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    Re: Wee Dram

    Nicci, your photos continue to improve! Yay you!! I really like the exposure and colors here. Compositionally, I find it pleasing enough but Frog and gahspidy suggestions may make it even better. The one thing that does bother me is the black thing you're propping the bottle with. Don't know if that made the difference in the way the light hit the bottle, but if you could have gotten the same reflections, it would have been better without it, I think. Good job! Glad you weren't driving...

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  6. #6
    Dyslexics of the world Untie! Nicci's Avatar
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    Re: Wee Dram

    Thanks you guys. The black thing propping the bottle up is my camera lens cover The red thing in the back hmm...not sure, probably a box of wine. let me see if I can re-edit a little whilst I distract myself from working on my essays.

    And Shebang, nope no driving. No drivers license. I am a public transport (winter) and biking girl(rest of the year) all the way!

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  7. #7
    Dyslexics of the world Untie! Nicci's Avatar
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    Re: Wee Dram

    okay, I have learned my lesson...write down what you do in photoshop so you can duplicate it!!!!

    That red thing is now bothering me and I can't clone it out because it looks like crap when I try. Also I realize now why I cut the glass...that finger smudge. My photoshop skills are not that great.

    anyone who wants to play with it here is the orignal jpg link. I have the nef file if you want that.

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  8. #8
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    Re: Wee Dram

    Nice shot, but if you call that a wee dram you were more than just slightly tipsy.

  9. #9
    Dyslexics of the world Untie! Nicci's Avatar
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    Re: Wee Dram

    Quote Originally Posted by daq7
    Nice shot, but if you call that a wee dram you were more than just slightly tipsy.

    lol yeah, true. How about Wee Dram x100 ;)

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  10. #10
    Senior Member BlueRob's Avatar
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    Re: Wee Dram

    For some reason I`m thirsty

    I think you did great Nicci, crisp, good light, overall I like it, the only thing to look after is the busy backgrounds, in this case I think it take a bit attention from the main thing here, also I would prefer to look at a full glass with some space over it.
    Great work.

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  11. #11
    Dyslexics of the world Untie! Nicci's Avatar
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    Re: Wee Dram

    Yep, me and my busy backgrounds lol I seem to have that a lot don't I? I would love to give you space over the glass, Rob, but the original of this shot doesn't have it. I will look at the other shots and see if another one does. I mean, I took 12 of it. lol Will have to wait until I have a break in my essay madness.

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  12. #12
    n8 is offline
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    Re: Wee Dram

    that picture would be a lot better if that was a bottle of bourbon. Just saying...
    Having just gotten my lensbaby, I think that image would make a good candidate for a little selective focus treatment. It would take care of the background too.
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  13. #13
    Senior Member armando_m's Avatar
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    Re: Wee Dram

    I like the photo and the reflection

    if I was drinking I doubt I could do half as good as you did here, never mind the sharpness, composition , busy background etc ...

    I used to love single malt, I can't really tell if it is, LOL , anyway I don't drink much nowadays

  14. #14
    Senior Member draymorton's Avatar
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    Re: Wee Dram

    I love it, actually. The lighting is amazing. If the background were less busy, the top of the glass was in there, and everything were sharper, I could see this being a potential product shot.

  15. #15
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Wee Dram

    I think this is a really nicely lit shot. I like when the subject's just a tad dark and mysterious, as is the whiskey here. The reflection works well though it might be a little too dark itself. The only real issue with the shot is the upper background, which I really wish didn't have bright area that tends to grab my attention. Hard to eliminate these things I know, but gotta try. -GB
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