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I’m having a difficult time with this one. I think the concept is fantastic and the shape of the window in the wood does say “wave”, I’m just not sure if it was executed well. The problem is there is no way for you to move those huge concrete blocks and boulders which I think are distracting the shot. That second window in the wood on the left is also a little bothersome, which might explain why you want to crop it. Maybe a different angle and a larger zoom to make the wave more prominent?
I agree with Adamo. The concept is great, but that stone wall is bugging me. Not so much the rocks. Are there other pieces of driftwood in that area you could experiment with? Although that one does have the "wave" thing to it.
It is a cool shot though nonetheless. If you could get the wave a tad more in focus and pick up that stone wall and remove it you are good to go ;)