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Thread: Waterfall

  1. #1
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Something a little different for Photo-John!

    Actually, I shoot a lot of pure nature photos. I just don't share them very often.

    This is a waterfall I've been looking at for years. Last summer I actually stopped and took some time to take pictures of it. I've been sitting on the photos since July and finally decided to set one up. And I'm very happy with the final product. What do you think? Everyone is encouraged to comment. There are no qualifications necessary. Your opinion counts - it always does.

    I am also posting this in order to point out how much image setup and processing matters. This final image looks very little like the original capture. And the original capture looked very little like the actual waterfall. In my images, I always try to give an emotional interpretation of what a scene looked and felt like. I don't feel the need to match the colors, tones, or contrast - although I do like it to look and feel natural. But the goal is to make you feel what I felt when I saw when I was there. I want to speak to your heart, not your eyes. I'll just use your eyes to get there

    So, to encourage everyone to think a little more about image setup and processing, here's a link to a thread I posted about this image and the software I used, on the Digital Imaging forum: New RAW Conversion Software and Image

    And for more on software, here's a link to a general photo software guide I posted about a month ago:

    So what do you think of the photo? Does it speak to you?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Waterfall-crw_1599-01.jpg  

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  2. #2
    is back jar_e's Avatar
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    Re: Waterfall


    Great capture.The only thing, and relatively minor nitpick, would be where my eye keeps on going to: the top left corner. I think it's because it's the break in the green foilage and the contrasting dark tone. Colors are superb, nice depth with the various falls. Dare I say a tad cliche, but everybody has a waterfall picture to be proud of and I definately think this one is superb.

    Well done John, by the way...check your PM's,


  3. #3
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    Re: Waterfall



  4. #4
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Re: Waterfall

    Quote Originally Posted by TX2654
    Why? What is nice about it?

    I ask - and challenge - because the critique is a collaborative process. Both the critic and the artist get to learn. By taking the time to analyze and articulate what you like and don't like about an image, you will discover things that you can then apply to your own photography. You can also learn from other people's mistakes and try to avoid making them yourself. That seems easier than it actually is

    So why do you think it's nice?

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  5. #5
    Nature/Wildlife Forum Co-Moderator Loupey's Avatar
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    Re: Waterfall

    OK, I'm looking for the mountain biker...;)

    Seriously, a pleasing photo for sure. For me, though, too much waterfall. But then, I tend to make my images perhaps too simple.
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  6. #6
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Re: Waterfall

    Quote Originally Posted by Loupey
    OK, I'm looking for the mountain biker...;)
    He was behind the lens!

    And this was, of course, on a mountain bike trip. This waterfall is on the shuttle route from Downieville, CA to the Sierra Buttes, where there's a kick-ass 15 mile downhill run back into town.

    Thanks for the critique.

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  7. #7
    LRPS Alison's Avatar
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    Re: Waterfall

    I love waterfalls and images of waterfalls look even more beautiful.

    The water crashing down on the rocks making it shoot off in different directions looks fantastic. And the slow shutter speed makes the water look very special.

    I wouldn't bother cropping the top right corner of green away because you have captured where the waterfall begins on the top left.

    I wouldn't change a thing. Gorgeous capture John!

  8. #8
    Liz is offline
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    Re: Waterfall


    I'm not a "waterfall" person for some reason. Maybe because I never get good results. However this photo is awesome.

    I love the way you captured the "motion" of the water. And the color is brilliant.

    For me personally, the lighting makes the image - especially on the rocks toward the lower left/middle and on the water on the bottom/middle where it has a sort of "glowing" effect - but not unnatural. I viewed it a couple time and it only got better.

    If I were to nitpik it would be the twig(s) at the top left. However, they were obviously there and it's part of the image. It certainly doesn't take anything away from the image, and nature isn't set up perfectly.


    Quote Originally Posted by Photo-John
    Something a little different for Photo-John!

    Actually, I shoot a lot of pure nature photos. I just don't share them very often.

    This is a waterfall I've been looking at for years. Last summer I actually stopped and took some time to take pictures of it. I've been sitting on the photos since July and finally decided to set one up. And I'm very happy with the final product. What do you think? Everyone is encouraged to comment. There are no qualifications necessary. Your opinion counts - it always does.

    I am also posting this in order to point out how much image setup and processing matters. This final image looks very little like the original capture. And the original capture looked very little like the actual waterfall. In my images, I always try to give an emotional interpretation of what a scene looked and felt like. I don't feel the need to match the colors, tones, or contrast - although I do like it to look and feel natural. But the goal is to make you feel what I felt when I saw when I was there. I want to speak to your heart, not your eyes. I'll just use your eyes to get there

    So, to encourage everyone to think a little more about image setup and processing, here's a link to a thread I posted about this image and the software I used, on the Digital Imaging forum: New RAW Conversion Software and Image

    And for more on software, here's a link to a general photo software guide I posted about a month ago:

    So what do you think of the photo? Does it speak to you?

  9. #9
    Senior Member srobb's Avatar
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    Re: Waterfall

    Wow, a side of PJ I didn't know was there.

    Awesome shot, by the way. If this is a sample of your nature shots, I wish you would post more. You have really caught the essence of a waterfall. the slow shutter speed lets the water flow giving it that nice, ethreal look. The colors are very nice and crisp. Love how you caught the water as it hits the rocks at the bottom.

    The top left corner does not bother since as mentioned, it is where the waterfall begins. Very, very nice capture, PJ.
    "No man has the right to dictate what other men should perceive, create or produce, but all should be encouraged to reveal themselves, their perceptions and emotions, and to build confidence in the creative spirit." --Ansel Adams

    "Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter." --Ansel Adams

  10. #10
    Senior Member Ronnoco's Avatar
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    Re: Waterfall

    Exposure was quite excellent with very little loss of detail in either the dark areas or the highlights. Great sharpness in the rocks and rich colour. Having seen lots of waterfalls and done some myself I am extremely impressed with how you seemed to have got the shutterspeed just perfect, as in not too fast and not too slow. A very light ethereal feel to the water. A very effective shot technically with great impact.

    I would like to hear the technical details of how you took the shot.


  11. #11
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Re: Waterfall

    Quote Originally Posted by Loupey
    OK, I'm looking for the mountain biker...;)
    I laughed out loud when I read that!
    Walter Rick Long
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  12. #12
    Senior Member ChowChi-Ching's Avatar
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    Re: Waterfall

    I cannot find anything at all to critique about this photo, I find it very beautiful. I also think it is great the way you got the shutter speed just perfect and would like to know the specifics of this shot.
    I am a nature person and LOVE waterfalls but can never quite capture what I am seeing. I am working on it.
    I would like to see your original image.
    Summer Katz
    Katz Photography

  13. #13
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Re: Waterfall

    Johnny boy!

    You know I love ya babe.

    I've got a couple of problems with this one. I hope that doesn't mean you won't come to any more of my photogatherings

    First impression was, on my monitor, the greens in the top right look a little oversaturated. Maybe they are true to the way the original scene looked. But in reading your description, I feel maybe they were "heightened" in an effort to create the emotion you were looking for. To me, on my uncalibrated monitor, they are a little too green.

    Second thought scrolling down is that there needs to be a little more space on the bottom of the frame for the water to flow into. The water is crashing onto the rocks just above the bottom of the frame and I get the sense there is a little more information down there. You've selected a crop that highlights the source and the flowing water, but the destination of the water is still unknown. The water flows out of the corner of the frame a little too soon for me. There is the hint of the top of a rock just showing at the bottom of the frame. I would love to see a little more of that rock and see just where it is that this water is flowing to.

    Third point is one that Liz brought up. I am a little confused on the lighting on this one. The color in the rocks at the bottom left is very golden, the kind of color you would see if there was direct sunlight shining on them. So my mind thinks "golden sunlight," but there are no shadows in the scene. So then I think, "oversaturation in an attempt to convey emotion?" And then my mind starts running in circles, and then steam comes out.

    Fourth point is a cropping perspective. Playing with the scroll bar on my browser, I am liking a crop with the top inch or so of green cut off. This puts a little more emphasis on the waterflow.

    Overall, a nice tight composition with perfect exposure and also a nice selection of shutter speed for the water flow. The depth of field is perfect, as is the sharpnes throughout!

    I hope this critique was not too harsh, or you may never post another nature shot again
    Walter Rick Long
    Nikon Samurai, Mamiya Master, Velvia Bandit

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  14. #14
    seenyourmember villenadecorte's Avatar
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    Re: Waterfall

    Quote Originally Posted by Photo-John
    He was behind the lens!

    And this was, of course, on a mountain bike trip. This waterfall is on the shuttle route from Downieville, CA to the Sierra Buttes, where there's a kick-ass 15 mile downhill run back into town.

    Thanks for the critique.
    Well if I had any doubts about going to Downieville this year, I've made my mind up now.
    Wow, John, I dont know if Im more impressed with the shot, or that it's your shot. All of your work is great, but like you said, we rarely see anything like this from you.
    I feel like you've "touched" the picture on the parts you felt were most important, parts of the water fall that seem to just glow and look supernatural.
    I completely disagree about the comment on the upper left- we need an entrance to the photo.
    Just gorgeous!

  15. #15
    Senior Member Ronnoco's Avatar
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    Re: Waterfall

    Quote Originally Posted by walterick
    Johnny boy!

    First impression was, on my monitor, the greens in the top right look a little oversaturated. Maybe they are true to the way the original scene looked. But in reading your description, I feel maybe they were "heightened" in an effort to create the emotion you were looking for. To me, on my uncalibrated monitor, they are a little too green.
    My monitor is calibrated and although the greens indeed may be "heightened", they match the colour of leaves made wet by the mist and water in the immediate area of a falls. I spent a lot of my youth around falls.

    Second thought scrolling down is that there needs to be a little more space on the bottom of the frame for the water to flow into. The water is crashing onto the rocks just above the bottom of the frame and I get the sense there is a little more information down there. You've selected a crop that highlights the source and the flowing water, but the destination of the water is still unknown. The water flows out of the corner of the frame a little too soon for me. There is the hint of the top of a rock just showing at the bottom of the frame. I would love to see a little more of that rock and see just where it is that this water is flowing to.
    Very good point and I agree to a certain extent but it depends on what really is in that cropped area and whether it would indeed contribute to the photo. Only the photographer knows for sure.

    Third point is one that Liz brought up. I am a little confused on the lighting on this one. The color in the rocks at the bottom left is very golden, the kind of color you would see if there was direct sunlight shining on them. So my mind thinks "golden sunlight," but there are no shadows in the scene. So then I think, "oversaturation in an attempt to convey emotion?" And then my mind starts running in circles, and then steam comes out.
    The lighting comes from the left heading almost under the falls. It is "warm" and could be enhanced but nevertheless it also matches late afternoon in many forest, lake, country, areas.

    Fourth point is a cropping perspective. Playing with the scroll bar on my browser, I am liking a crop with the top inch or so of green cut off. This puts a little more emphasis on the waterflow.
    Somewhat neutral on that one.

    Overall, a nice tight composition with perfect exposure and also a nice selection of shutter speed for the water flow. The depth of field is perfect, as is the sharpnes throughout!

    I hope this critique was not too harsh, or you may never post another nature shot again
    And I hope my critique of your critique was not too harsh or you may never post another critique again. ;)


  16. #16
    Senior Member readingr's Avatar
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    Re: Waterfall


    Nice, Very Nice

    A couble of things, I think the composition could do with a bit more to the bottom for the falls to run into and on the left just to ground the leaves in the top left to something at the moment they seem to appear in mid air.

    Other than that it all looks good, by the way is it only me that sees the face in the top left of the falls; sort of grotesque with a long snout, something you definately don't want to meet.

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  17. #17
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Re: Waterfall

    Quote Originally Posted by readingr
    by the way is it only me that sees the face in the top left of the falls; sort of grotesque with a long snout, something you definately don't want to meet.
    Walter Rick Long
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  18. #18
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Re: Waterfall

    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnoco
    And I hope my critique of your critique was not too harsh or you may never post another critique again. ;)

    No worries I am curious to see how John responds to it. I imagine that we'll see him again right around 5:00 PST?
    Walter Rick Long
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  19. #19
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Re: Waterfall

    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnoco
    And I hope my critique of your critique was not too harsh or you may never post another critique again. ;)
    You and Rick both really hurt my feelings. I put all my cameras on ebay today. I quit!


    If you really want to get better, you have to be willing to listen, look, and give people's criticism some serious thought. I'm not very quick to respond to the criticism because, I admit, my first inclination is to defend my photo. But there's usually no point in that. I'll sit on what you said, think about it, look at the photo some more, and integrate whatever I want into future photos. That's how a thoughtful critique should be used. And I appreciate when people take the time to really break down the photo and tell me what they thinks works and what doesn't. I don't have to agree. But I don't have to be a baby or an ass about, either

    I have some other old landscapes that I'm going to play with and post. I'll also post some more technical info about this when I have access to the data. I can tell you it was shot with the EOS 10D and 50mm f/1.4, stopped way down. Digital is nice because I had the ability to try different shutter speeds and check the effect. I think the noise reduction software I used also had a smoothing effect on the water. I could see it when I ran the filter on the full-size file, anway.

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  20. #20
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Re: Waterfall

    Quote Originally Posted by Photo-John
    I'll sit on what you said, think about it, look at the photo some more, and integrate whatever I want into future photos. That's how a thoughtful critique should be used.
    That's my boy

    I hope that my critique was somehow helpful to you in your photography!
    Walter Rick Long
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  21. #21
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Waterfall

    john - I personally like what's happening in the top left. It's like an entry point into the photo. I am also a big fan of getting greenery into a nature shot like this, as you have in the top right.

    The area of the shot that I dont really care for however is the bottom/bottom-right. It seems like the water is clipped off or is shooting off in a strange angle. Somehow, this breaks up the harmony of the shot. But judging from the other responders, looks like most folks love the shot, so maybe I'm nitpicking...


  22. #22
    Just a Member Chunk's Avatar
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    Re: Waterfall

    It's a beautiful spot and I think you've captured its hidden spirit - I can almost hear the water on that rock.
    Since I think I can see distinct shadows, the over all shot seems a little gray to me.

  23. #23
    Senior Member cyberlord's Avatar
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    Re: Waterfall


    You asked if it spoke to me.

    When viewing the photo I get the feeling of pent up sadness finally being released.

    As far as a critique the twig/branch in the upper left corner looks like a mark on the negative from processing. Since it's a manipulated photo anyway I'd edit it out. MHO.

    I like it none the less.


  24. #24
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Re: Waterfall

    Quote Originally Posted by cyberlord
    When viewing the photo I get the feeling of pent up sadness finally being released.
    Wow - that seems like projection. But I'll take it. I think good art should allow people to see and project their own experiences into the artwork. I really only intended the image to make people feel like they wished they could be in that space, and feel the cool wet air, smell the green and water, etc. But if you got more, that's great.

    Quote Originally Posted by cyberlord
    As far as a critique the twig/branch in the upper left corner looks like a mark on the negative from processing. Since it's a manipulated photo anyway I'd edit it out. MHO
    I consider what I do to be interpretation. It's nothing I wouldn't do in the darkroom - if I could. I don't usually edit, though. That's sort of outside the traditional landscape photographer's ethics.

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  25. #25
    Professional lurker STinGa's Avatar
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    Re: Waterfall

    I have always been a fan of waterall shots. They seem to have a relaxing quality to them ... I guess it comes from sitting a watching them when I was growing up and just enjoying nature. Living in N. Ga gives me plenty of time to enjoy this type of scenery.

    I am going against the grain here by liking the darkness in the upper left corner. I think it adds some depth to the shot. I am looking at this through a computer at work so I won't critique the colors, but composition - wise, I think it works.

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