Please post no more than five images a day and respond to as many images as you post. Critics, please be constructive, specific, and nice! Moderated by gahspidy and mtbbrian.
By posting on the Photo Critique forum you agree to post only your own photos, be respectful, and give back as much as you receive. This is a moderated forum and anything abusive or
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To be brutally honest, it isn't anything special. Much of the image seems under exposed, and the subject is not very interesting. I would guess that you took this one on a whim while sitting on the bus, and there is nothing wrong with that. But, perhaps you should be more selective of the photos you upload for serious critique.
Feel free to edit and post any of my photos as part of your critique.
I'm thinking you could split this into 2 fairly interesting abstracts to be displayed side by side. I'm thinking a vertical cut right down the middle of the puddle/crater in the exact center of the frame.
As a whole the image seems a bit over processed, almost grainy and with too wide a tonal range.
Hey Don, don't get me wrong, you are a bigger part of the community than I am by far - I just noticed that many of your photos are taken on a whim, no real potential impact in mind. Maybe that is just your style though, I do not want you to think I was trying to sound condescending (reread my post and it could have been worded in a better way).
I meant over exposed btw... but that is just the water reflecting light back - making the image much brighter.
Feel free to edit and post any of my photos as part of your critique.