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Not sure on this one, Gary. I wish there were something else there and don't know that all the lower portion is necessary. I think I know what you were after.
Gary, I see some color in there with the fading paint, and I wonder, do you have this in b&w? Would it be more effective? Just throwing that out there.
If I care enough to leave a critique or comment on your work, please return the favor.
Thanks for your comments Frog, MB1 and John. I was thinking the textures and fading colors and tones of the planks would be enough to carry it but I guess it is not.
John, I will try this in b&w and see what it does.
Thanks for the feedback on it.
Gary have you looked at this horizontally? I rotated it clockwise and thought it looked real good. But it is still good in the vertical. I like seeing the old nails that used to hold the plank down and this to me adds emotion to the shot.The twisted plank is enough here and I would not like to see anything else thrown in.The texture and colouring in the planks is lovely; almost as if they are trying to turn gold. Perfect example of where less is more and that simple things look the best.
I have a total lack of respect for anything connected with society, except that which makes the roads safer, the beer stronger, the food cheaper, and the old men and old women warmer in the winter and happier in the summer. Brendan Behan
Actually, I kind of like this one, as it has an abstract feel to it for me. Maybe it could be a little darker, or even maybe working in b&w, but I do like the repeating pattern and the disruption of the pattern by the warped board.
Tom, Charles and Rod, thanks for the suggestions. I have to admit that this worked for me and I am happy with it, but that's what I love about this forum is the unbiased sets of eyes telling it like it is.
Tom, I do think that rotating it clockwise makes it more interesting and I think thats something that I will do.
Charles, I appreciate your comments and will give a go at darkening it some.
Rod, I will start bringing along stuffed animals in my gear bag for such needed times
thanks as always,
Ok, here is an edited version. I tried flipping it horizontal but found I was not happy with that. I cropped in tighter and increased contrast and sat.
What do you think. . . improvement over the original?
thanks. . . .
I like hte second version better. It just gives it a little extra pop. Very cool shot either way - i'd be interested in seeing black and white version as well..
Gary - I like it too, good shot and framing, but I have always been fond of the straight lines pattern type shots. You could post this in the photo project forum for this months projects - patterns.
Can you stick birds in the freezer like butterflies?
Originally Posted by jkriminger
god gary, i hate to say this, but maybe you need a little bird perched in that opening.. you could tie it's feet down!...I joke of course
That just made me think of the old trick where you stick a butterfly in the freezer for 15 seconds and then you can pose it anywhere. That may not work as well with birds.
Thanks all, Im glad you feel it improved on the re edit. Hmmm, butterfly in the freezer for 15 secs what won't we do for a shot. I thought I was bad bringing a chainsaw and chopping down a few hundred trees to make a landscape shot look as I wanted . . .
kidding of course.
Gary I like the second version much better. The higher contrast brings out great texture in the wood. I agree with Mike that the warped plank is enough to carry the picture. I also like the crop on the second one. Seeing some of your prints first hand I think the detail in a large print would be stunning to say the least. Nice work as always.
I am like Barney Fife, I have a gun but Andy makes me keep the bullet in my pocket..