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  1. #1
    GB1 is offline
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    Wall (Warning: Nudity)

    Comments welcome.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DSC_7396_Edit1_Crop1_Post_1200.jpg 
Views:	158 
Size:	88.7 KB 
ID:	91936
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  2. #2
    Senior Member armando_m's Avatar
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    Re: Wall (Warning: Nudity)

    It's difficult to look at the overall image but once I can move my eyes of the center of the photo ...

    the light on her skin looks really nice in her shoulders and collar bones
    nice calm expression
    the crop looks like the cover for a facebook page and I can¿t help feeling I'm looking at part of a larger image , doubt this was shot with the intention to show it as a panorama?
    the strong shadow behind her is distracting, when I have worked with a single light source shooting nudes, I try and emphasize the forms and curves, make the body look like a sculpture, but i understand that is a totally different approach to what you did here .
    I wonder if the lines in the wall were horizontal, will it look better int he current crop?

  3. #3
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Wall (Warning: Nudity)

    Armando, Thanks for commenting. Not many of those nowadays.

    Nope, it wasn't shot w/ the pano in mind, just an idea while processing, and certainly a radical one since you don't see that on people shots very often. I think some will like it and some will hate it. Interesting comments on the shadow and line tilt, both pretty much being personal preference. I think if the lines on the wall were even with the sides of the image that it would possibly lose some creativity/flair, but would make it look even wider, if that is what the photographer is aiming for. Regarding the shadow vs none, those two types of shots are very different alright. I think the shadow adds an additional element, hence shots w/o them may seem more clean and minimalistic. I go for those type of shots too sometimes, high key background where you blow out the white backdrop with direct lights back there. Those seem to work when you're trying to strictly highlight the model and/or outfit she's wearing. The shadow seems to add some reality (and drama).

    Did another shoot recently, I need to post a pic or two from that shoot too....

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  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2013

    Re: Wall (Warning: Nudity)

    I love it. It helps me get one closer to posting a thread. And who doesn't love to se a great picture of great breast.

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