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Thread: Vixen Portrait

  1. #1
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Vixen Portrait

    So I'm really concerned with what you thinks of the pose. Its one of those poses that can work really well, especially in a whimsical sorta way, which I like. ...or can look absolutely ridiculous.
    I'm feeling good about it but need to have the unbiased eyes of the forum to gauge this.

    What thinks ye?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Vixen Portrait-jade-vixen-2093.jpg  
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  2. #2
    Driven to Improve ScapeGrace's Avatar
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    Re: Vixen Portrait

    Personally I like it. I like the bondagesque, flirtatiousness of it. The hair bugs me a bit just because everything else is so immaculate and her hair looks like it was rushed. Also the index finger looks all wrinkly. I'm trying desperately hard to find something substantial...hehe. Her expression, mostly in the lips, is almost repulsed, like a smirk on the verge of a grimace. Other than those small, dubious negatives, I think it's very sexy, she's gorgeous! Amazing shot Gary!
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  3. #3
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Re: Vixen Portrait


    Your fetish / glamor photos are so polished now it's very difficult to critique them. But that's part of the game, right? I have to work harder to critique and in the process I get to learn and grow more myself

    The basic answer to your question is, yes. I like the pose and her expression. Her right hand is pushing her cheek a bit and it makes her face look a little crooked. I kinda like that. There's something a little imperfect, goofy, even corrupt about the way her face looks. It sort of sets this apart from the standard perfection of a standard pinup image.

    And taking up my own challenge to take things to a higher level, I'm wondering what you can do to make your fetish photos even better. Like I said, they're so polished right now it's hard to know where they need to go next. Maybe you have some more exploration to do before that becomes apparent. But I wonder where these images are coming from for you? They aren't just pretty pictures of pretty girls. They're very sculpted, refined - but still fringe, images. Why is that? Where is it coming from? And how can you make it hit even harder? Do you need to get dirtier? Do you need to start working on location to add some more symbolism?

    What do you think? Where are you headed?

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  4. #4
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
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    Re: Vixen Portrait

    Her right hand doesn't really bother me but more how her left arm is more or less, looks to be sticking out of her head, if you get where I am coming from. I agree with John you certainly have nailed a style. Where do you go? I think we all get there too. Just keep going, experimenting ect.
    All the critiques here will only be nit piks. I think any picture could be picked apart. I have never taken a perfect picture and don't think I ever will. This one is awesome Gary as with all of your portriats. You take great care to get them right and your hard work shows.
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  5. #5
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Re: Vixen Portrait

    Quote Originally Posted by Greg McCary
    You take great care to get them right and your hard work shows.
    Most definitely.

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  6. #6
    Firefighter Tyson L. Sparks's Avatar
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    Re: Vixen Portrait

    Sorry guys, I have to go against the grain. Too much pressure on the right hand, that is my very first thought when I looked at it. Again that is just me. I am drawn to the right hand, Greg mentioned the left arm. I never even seen it because I was fixed on the right hand. But over all the image is very very nice.

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  7. #7
    Ken ksbryan0's Avatar
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    Re: Vixen Portrait

    I am going to go against the grain here and say I don't like this image (gasp!). While the technical aspects are excellent, the whole thing with the hands/arms makes this seems as if she is holding the head on top of the neck. And for some reason this makes the head seem almost disproportionately larger than should be on the that body. I think this is due to the pressure the right hand is exerting on the face and the left arm than exhibits a very strange perspective as it decreases in diameter to the end of a stump.

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  8. #8
    Senior Member jetrim's Avatar
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    Re: Vixen Portrait

    Quote Originally Posted by Tyson L. Sparks
    Sorry guys, I have to go against the grain. Too much pressure on the right hand, that is my very first thought when I looked at it. Again that is just me. I am drawn to the right hand, Greg mentioned the left arm. I never even seen it because I was fixed on the right hand. But over all the image is very very nice.
    Very first thing that popped out at me. I agree with Tyson.

  9. #9
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Vixen Portrait

    Thanks all for the comments and your time to lend me your thoughts on this.

    As I anticipated, this is somewhat controversial in that its certainly not the "run of the mill" pose and glamour portrait. I definately had reservations about the hands and the positioning, but ulimately I keep feeling positive about it.

    I can't deny that its odd, and thats what I like, but odd in itself does not mean good.

    I have a few other from this set. i usually like to have three images from a set, one head/upperbody portrait, one 3/4 and one full body. I have the 3/4 and full body selected and am very happy with those but I am undecided as to the headshot/upper body portait.
    I will be posting two other portraits for review and feedback.

    Greg, John thanks for the good words and insightful questions that have me wondering as well as to what can I do to step up. There is much that needs to be done and I'm not sure where to go. I am just following my heart right now

    "But I wonder where these images are coming from for you? They aren't just pretty pictures of pretty girls. They're very sculpted, refined - but still fringe, images. Why is that? Where is it coming from?"
    They come from the frustrated artist in me
    Inspired by some works by the likes of Alberto Vargas, Edward Runci, Rolf Armstrong, Earl Moran, Billy Devorss and many more like them.
    The simple focus on character and subject against a simple bg. I am not interested too much in typical glamour portraits, I want to focus on unusual characters, sometimes quirky in nature but always intriguing and unusual. They can sometimes be compared to a caricature in that things might appear exagerated and/or almost cartoonish, but without going too far that they are not a photograph any longer.
    I think i'll have to set this photo aside and keep it in the archives and see what i feel about it at another time.
    Thanks again, as always this forum is invaluable.
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  10. #10
    Senior Member draymorton's Avatar
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    Re: Vixen Portrait

    My favorite of the three, easily. I love it.

    I can't decide as to whether or not there is too much pressure on the cheek - I'm leaning toward not. Can the shadow be minimized to indicate less pressure, if you think it's too much? In any case, I'm really digging the doll-like pose. Very cool and very appropriate.

    As a side note... the Captain has not only paid a visit here, but he's really taken an interest. That, right there, tells you that this is an image worth thinking and talking about.

  11. #11
    Senior Member arne saknussen's Avatar
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    Re: Vixen Portrait

    It is a well executed shot technically. My first response to the image is that she is trying to screw her head on (or off). This is because of the position of the hands and the pressure applied on her cheek. If this is what you want to convey, we need another clue perhaps.

  12. #12
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Vixen Portrait

    Thanks again,

    I actually like the pressure on the cheek. It seems to allow me to sense what it might feel like simply from seeing the indentations and the shaping as it lifts the cheek up a bit. . .sorta another dimension. I am also fond of the diagonal shape of the fingers descending along the cheek bone. I dunno, its hard for me to let it go.

    Arne, yep, i can easily see that it can look that way, which is why i know this is a very borderline comp/pose here.

    I have something else from the set that I'm feeling a little more comfortable with but is not quite so quirky. . .
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  13. #13
    Senior Member PhilF's Avatar
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    Re: Vixen Portrait

    wish she didn't squashed her left cheek and distorted her lips.

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