For those of you looking to jump to the digital SLR, might I suggest looking on Ebay and other wholesalers for the Canon EOS 10D. I had been drooling over it when it came out, but was not ready to purchase the $1500 body. But when I saw the 20D was selling for the same price the 10D sold for, I figured the prices would drop significantly, and I was right. I purchase from a private seller, 8 months old and still under warranty, barely used, with two 256MB cards and an extra batter for $900.
I have been very pleased with the pictures. The attached isn't a fantastic picture (except that it's my boy) but it looks great I think. I even was using the crappy kit lens I got with my EOS Rebel 2000 (I use it when I want to travel lighter, since the cheaper lenses are much lighter than the quality lenses).
**Note, I don't have my usual photo editing tools, so the compression from the original degraded the picture a little.