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I like how all the rooms have the exact same furniture - so practical.
The way the lady and the man are looking in different directions is also interesting. Strange how there's no one else around....
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This one doesn't seem to have the sharpness usually found in your work. It seems slightly soft, especially on the two pesons for some reasons. That aspect taken aside, I like how you composed this scene. I enjoy your use of the buildings as a background and the repeating patterns are interesting.
The fact that there is no one else arround as GB noted also add something. It's somewhat surreal, almost spooky.
I wish that the background building was centered in this shot. I do like the position and expression of the couple. I think that the lamp and trash bin detracts from the image.
I suppose that all the above may possibly been achieved if you were standing diagonally to your front/left.
It looks like all the people in Vacation Land have gone on vacation. I like the empty space between the two blocks and the two people are amused that they appear to have the place to themselves. As with a lot of your pictures Tuna, there is always an atmospheric silence.. In this case of something about to happen or that has just happened.
I have a total lack of respect for anything connected with society, except that which makes the roads safer, the beer stronger, the food cheaper, and the old men and old women warmer in the winter and happier in the summer. Brendan Behan
GB, Seb, Loupey and Tom - thank you for your comments.
Yes, Va. Beach. I guess you now know my haunts.
I waited for the time when there was no other people in the scene - a lucky moment as the hotel had to have been full. The scene attracted me for the surreal cliche it represented and the lack of other people was crucial. The couple looking in opposite directions made me like the image as a keeper and that was pure luck as I simply concentrated on composition and the lack of people when I shot.
I understand the want of centering but, for me, that would cause a static scene here. As I often do with street scenes, I like to layer and to look for more things on the periphery (in both a 2D AND 3D sense) to add to the scene and to the interpretation or story of the image. In this case, I shifted to include the white trash can and pole which conveniently un-centered the building from where I stood. By the way, "White Trash" was considered as an alternate title but the connotations were more derogatory than that title's sociological intent...
Tom, thank you for the compliment. I have often sensed the same "atmospheric silence", as you have aptly put it, in many of my images when viewing them from a "distance". I think I also sense this pregnant moment in street images from photographers I have been influenced by.