Hi all
First of all - many many thanks to all who contributed to my thoughts on my projected panel to gain the Licentiate of the Royal Photographic Society (LRPS) distinction. At long last, and after much juggling, I have decided on the panel which I attach. If I didn't seem to take on board all the comments which were made, believe me that every single one was carefully considered. However, in the end, it is me who has to make the final decision, based on the material I have available and my knowledge of the requirements.
Also, I was fortunate enough to get the chairman of the LRPS panel to comment (!!!) and he suggested dropping two of the original images. As he is the chair of the awarding body, I would take his view very, very seriously and so, as a starting point, I decided to keep the 8 images he was happy with. The issue then was to pick two other images and then to find some harmonious way to organise them. I did choose Santorini largely because several people in this forum had commented favourably on it.
You will see that I have gone for "pairs" when I could. The two painting ones and the two room views are both on the top row, with Anchorman in the middle (which was the chair's suggestion). Similarly, the two mono ones are on the bottom row with the middle mono being right underneath Anchorman which is sort of mono.
Also, in the interests of aesthetics, I arranged them so that they alternated between portait and landscape formats. I also put The Sentinel where it appears to be looking into the panel. I do appreciate that the bottom row is a little bit of a mixed bag - but one of the requirements of the LRPS distinction is to demonstrate a variety of approaches and subjects.
The prints are all mounted on charcoal boards, so the panel will look pretty much as you see it here.
A higher res version of the layout and the individual prints can all be seen at:
Anyway, the assessment will take place next Thursday morning. I don't know whether they tell you on the day if you have been successful - I hope for some indication at the least.
Once again, many thanks to all who contributed. Your many encouraging comments have made me feel a lot less jittery than I was!
Best wishes