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  1. #1
    drg is offline
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    Unoccupied - Still Life

    Comments? Critique Welcome. Or you can just send money
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Unoccupied - Still Life-chsl1.jpg  
    CDPrice 'drg'
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  2. #2
    Senior Member OldSchool's Avatar
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    Re: Unoccupied - Still Life

    Hi DRG,

    That's an attractive shot. Very nice. On the road?

    It looks like you nailed the white balance (given the T-light). Lighting-wise though, I'd like to see more of the chair. The farther leg blends in with the shadows. Technique - wise, I see that there is banding on the wall under the lamp-shade. This may be do to the jpeg downsizing for the web, or it may be on your original. If it's on your original, then that one of the shortcomings of shooting digital.

    Samurai #17 |;^\

  3. #3
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Unoccupied - Still Life

    Somehow I think I'd like it better w/o the chair there, if that makes any sense..


  4. #4

    Re: Unoccupied - Still Life

    Quote Originally Posted by drg
    Comments? Critique Welcome. Or you can just send money
    Actually, I am thinking that this is an enjoyable composition but I really don't feel this one in colors. With all due respect, I find the colors to be dreary and I don't think that it would get any better if you were to boost saturation or to play with curves.

    If it makes any sense, I think that these very colors would work well if you have shot the scene with a toy camera such an Holga. It seems to me that the "irregularities" typical to the Holga would complement the colors. But, since this was shot with conventional equipment I'd turn this one in a b&w.



  5. #5
    drg is offline
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    Re: Unoccupied - Still Life

    Thanks for all the comments!

    O.S. - Yes I was "on the road" and spent some time in this club room/veranda off a rather nice indoor arboretum/garden area. This was digital and very low light. The single lamp provided virtually all the light for this photo. The resulting need for high ISO meant noise! The banding is partially in the original and partially from resizing. I'll work on it some more and repost.

    GB1 - This scene was as I found it and wasn't sure that I wanted to spend time moving furniture in a somewhat public area. The lamp, table and ash tray I played with as a closeup/crop from a couple of other images and they just didn't quite work yet. I may have to let them set and return to them later.

    Seb - Interesting what you noted about b/w. That was one of the original things that caught my eye with the shapes and relationships of the objects. Due to very low light (only the table lamp), I haven't coaxed enough contrast out of this one to satisfy my taste.

    Oh, this was posted from a notebook via a restaurant(I'm not providing free advertising for them) WiFi portal. All the editing was done via PSE3/2 and the noise reduction was done manually with the PSE standard tools! I'll apply something else over the weekend and see what else I come up with. The screen on this notebook I'm discovering just doesn't quite have enough contrast to do as good a "final" job as I want.

    Thanks !
    CDPrice 'drg'
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  6. #6
    drg is offline
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    Unoccupied - Still Life - Repost

    Two Variations on the original. Thanks again for the comments and suggestions.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Unoccupied - Still Life-chslrepost.jpg   Unoccupied - Still Life-chsl1mono.jpg  
    CDPrice 'drg'
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