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Thread: Umbrellas

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Tuna Umbrellas 02-27-2006, 04:52 PM
McMadCow Re: Umbrellas 02-27-2006, 04:59 PM
GB1 Re: Umbrellas 02-27-2006, 05:18 PM
julsoph Re: Umbrellas 02-27-2006, 05:50 PM
gahspidy Re: Umbrellas 02-27-2006, 11:05 PM
Sebastian Re: Umbrellas 02-27-2006, 11:11 PM
Tuna Re: Umbrellas 02-28-2006, 05:18 PM
dbutler Re: Umbrellas 03-01-2006, 07:01 PM
  1. #1
    Gone Fishing Tuna's Avatar
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  2. #2
    Leitzy! McMadCow's Avatar
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    Re: Umbrellas

    Lovely shooting as always, Tuna. I'm not really sure why, but the widescreen format of this shot is slightly distracting to me, as is the woman coming into frame from the right. I'm sure I'm going to be in the minority with those criticisms, however.
    What I really do like, however, is the moment you captured. Specifically the one guy right-of-center looking in the opposite direction. I think his presence is maybe enough of an offset from the rest of the crowed that it causes me to feel the woman to the right is an unnecessary element. I love the tones and the contrast, but I'm not such a fan of the excessive grain. Did it come as a result blowing this up in order to get the crop you wanted?
    I hope I don't sound too nitpicky, you're my favorite shooter on this board, and I like this shot very much.
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  3. #3
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Umbrellas

    Really neat shot here. I like the horizontal cropping, the uneveness of the line of umbrellas, and the blur of the woman on the right (the amt of blur is perfect).

    The only thing that I could say that needs to be improved is that there seems to be 'something' missing, somehow, maybe in the left bottom side to counterweight the walking woman. Just feels a tad bit lonely there (but maybe that's an allure of the photograph).


  4. #4
    Senior Member julsoph's Avatar
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    Re: Umbrellas

    This IS a really cool shot. I like the guy looking the opposite direction as well. I also sat here and counted the umbrellas...I was hoping there would be 25!


  5. #5
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Umbrellas

    Tuna, as always a great catch. i was thinking like Emily in that the address number keeps me thinking it represents the number of umbrellas in the scene. I only would suggest that i like a crop from the right side just to the womans foot so that she is just entering the scene and not quite in it yet. A minor issue and certainly only opinion. Great stuff
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  6. #6
    Sleep is optional Sebastian's Avatar
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    Re: Umbrellas

    I like this. My first reaction was that it might have been "stronger" if you focused more on the patterns of the umbrellas, or tried to go in tighter to get more faces into the frame. After staring at it for a while though, it became clear that the reason this shot works is because you didn't do those things. You showed me something I didn't expect, something I would not have thought to shoot if I was there. You showed me something I did not see.

    You tend to do that.

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  7. #7
    Gone Fishing Tuna's Avatar
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    Re: Umbrellas

    Thanks for your comments and critique, folks. I always appreciate hearing the divergent views...

    I never even considered that 25 would be representative of anything but it would have been cool if it had...


  8. #8
    Senior Member dbutler's Avatar
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    Re: Umbrellas

    I really like this. Here you have all these folks, all facing the same way, and then there is one looking back. Possibly thinking of breaking rank, becoming individual. Then there's THE WOMAN. The one who dared. And she's moving. The one showing some degree of actual life in all that sameness.

    Ok, so my imagination is getting away from me again. But I do really like this!

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