I found this female Dickcissel yesterday afternoon who had hopped up on top of a bush in response to a vocal male in a neighboring bush. She didn’t hang around very long after I started clicking but I did manage to pull this shot out.
Equipment used was a Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT and EF 500mm f/4.5L USM.
When shooting this image I tried to get level with the bird to have a nicer background. I was sitting in my car when she first appeared and the background was a completely blown-out overcast sky. Getting out of the car for a higher angle was quite a trial since in my past experience these birds spook easily but slow careful movement paid off. Though the bird doesn’t occupy a very large portion of the frame I decided to leave the composition as it is since I find the plant/perch to be pleasing. I was a bit disappointed with how the tail is a bit disheveled and uncomfortable looking.
The settings were ISO 400, f/5.6, 1/400 second, hand-held
I stopped down a bit for DOF and adjusted the ISO in order to get a manageable shutter speed.
Looking forward to any comments or suggestions,