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  1. #1
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Tree Trunks. . .b&w

    A tree I have photographed some time back. This is a somewhat new take on it.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Tree Trunks. . .b&w-0505-1201x1web.jpg  
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  2. #2
    Grumpy Old Man Overbeyond's Avatar
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    Re: Tree Trunks. . .b&w

    Hello Gary
    I like this very much indeed.
    On first sight this had a sort of surreal infrared atmosphere to it.
    The lack of blacks, if you like, in the centre tree and the good shadow details in the front two is very effective. The 'fogged' background is great and shows us exactly enough. Would it be possible to highlight the area around the root system and using levels/curves show a bit more details in this area. Lovely angle to all three trees espacially left and middle one as they are almost in perfect unison.

    I have a total lack of respect for anything connected with society, except that which makes the roads safer, the beer stronger, the food cheaper, and the old men and old women warmer in the winter and happier in the summer. Brendan Behan

  3. #3
    Senior Member Knight's Avatar
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    Re: Tree Trunks. . .b&w


    Nice photo only thing that i find is that the lighting appears to be on the flat side maybe a little more contrast would help then again it could be the monitor that im using today , mine should be back from the repair shop l8r today .
    The thing i like the most about this photo is the memory of being a child and having a favorite tree to escape to , well done

  4. #4
    "Artisaliethatmakesusreali zetruth" PlantedTao's Avatar
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    Re: Tree Trunks. . .b&w

    Great job as usual...
    I really like the background, it adds a lot to the photo and keeps you focused on the main subject. You have really great shadows on the tree and it looks like this was shot during the perfect time of day.
    I would have to say that this however is not as good as the other b&w trees in your portfolio. Doesn't have the same composition and does not draw me in as much...I'm not saying this is a bad photo - just not up to par with others of this subject.
    I'm always mentally photographing everything as practice.
    Minor White

  5. #5
    Senior Member OldSchool's Avatar
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    Re: Tree Trunks. . .b&w

    Hi Gary,

    I think this is a nice shot. It has a nice visual balance for a subject that looks unbalanced.

    But I also feel as if I am missing some of the story. For me, the story is these three grand trunks split at the earth and growing up in their different directions. It is a very unique tree. What's holding up those three cantelevered masses? I think including more of the root network would help complete the image.

    Last edited by OldSchool; 05-02-2005 at 11:29 AM.
    Samurai #17 |;^\

  6. #6
    Senior Member Knight's Avatar
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    Re: Tree Trunks. . .b&w

    Have my monitor back now , but 20% of the viewing area on the right hand side is pink now
    But ill tell you what , now that i can C your photo on this monitor i would not change anything its perfect I cant believe the difference between 2 monitors . Now Viewsonic are saying that they will replace my monitor with a new one

  7. #7

    Re: Tree Trunks. . .b&w

    Quote Originally Posted by gahspidy
    A tree I have photographed some time back. This is a somewhat new take on it.

    I think that this is a great composition and the background is terrific. But, I really get the feel that the light is too harsh which I think is really sad considering how great the composition is.

    The background is truly stunning. Is this fog and/or some sort of manipulation???



  8. #8
    Member Nina's Avatar
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    Re: Tree Trunks. . .b&w

    Gary, I remember your other take on the same tree about a year ago. I have to say that comparing both side by side I find the composition here alot stronger and more appealing. Even the mood is different and there's actually an eerie, creepy quality to the scene.
    I love the low fog in and around the tree which I find enhances the overall image. The tree itself has a very unusual appearance. How fortunate for you to have found such an interesting subject. As usual great job! Great Image! ;)

  9. #9
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Tree Trunks. . .b&w

    Tom . . .thanks for the comments. Yes, I agree with the thoughts on highlighting the area around the roots and uppingcontrast a bit there. The detail is there though, and looks better in higher resolution

    Knight . . . thanks for commenting. Yes, it can appear very different on a different monitor . Glad to hear they will be replacing yours with a new one. I have a 2 year old Viewsonic E95 19 " that has been working great. A friend of mine who viewed the image on my monitor and then saw it again on hers said the image looked great on mine and looks too light and washed out on hers.( This has much to do with the set up. . such as color temperature setting, gamma, contrast and brightness) When I print my images, they appear very much the same as what I see on screen ( with more detail)

    PlantedTao . . . Glad to know your feelings on it. Thanks for your time.

    Tim . . .I appreciate your view on this. Yes, I have been intrigued by this tree ever since I had been coming to this preserve . The roots shown here are about all that is visible above ground. They go down under just below the frame. Thanks again

    Seb . . .As always, thanks for the time sharing your feeling on the work. I always find it interesting how sometimes an image can be seen and viewed in such different ways. I realize this is not a technically strong shot, but somehow it is becoming one of my favs for the mood and feeling it brings to me.
    Actually, the hazy fog is a combination of limited dof, and some editing in ps. Also, the b&w conversion somehow created an even more enhanced hazy appearance.

    Nina. . .wow, thanks for the comparison of this to my earlier shot of this same tree. I don't wish to choose between one or the other, but rather have a couple or more shots of this same tree showing the different apsects and dynamics of the same subject. Glad you see the creepy eerie feel to this as that is what I tried to achieve ( seems I usually go for that)
    Thanks again
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  10. #10
    seenyourmember villenadecorte's Avatar
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    Re: Tree Trunks. . .b&w

    Was this your Tree in the Clearing? If so, I actually prefer that exposure to this one as the lighting looks more consistent, but I prefer this new composition and the foggy background.
    Great shot Gary.

    Art is always and everywhere the secret confession, and at the same time the immortal movement of its time.
    - Marx

  11. #11
    Gone Fishing Tuna's Avatar
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    Re: Tree Trunks. . .b&w

    Well composed, moody shot with very nice tones and contrast.


  12. #12
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Tree Trunks. . .b&w

    Villena,thanks for your thoughts on this. This is not the Tree in the Clearing , but is another tree in my gallery called Tree in Marine Park Nature Preserve.

    Tuna. . .always great to know your views on an image. much appreciated
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  13. #13
    learning member
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    Re: Tree Trunks. . .b&w

    I think this is the best that I have seen from you!
    The photo has more light tones than were used to seeing in photos,
    so it is different and seems something is wrong!
    The trees resemble humans in torment to me.
    VERY STRONG Image!
    Looks like a large format photo.

  14. #14
    Member mattp's Avatar
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    Re: Tree Trunks. . .b&w

    I really like this shot as well Gary, the tortured looking trunks contrast well with the spindly, straight trees that form the backdrop - good tones and composition, nice work


  15. #15
    Just a Member Chunk's Avatar
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    Re: Tree Trunks. . .b&w

    This is a great tree and you have made a photo worthy of it. The shot is all about time for me and your foggy treatment heightens that feeling as it seems to grow out of the mists of time. (Corny... I know ) The original trunk from which these sprouts grew was probably growing during the time of the revolutionary war battles being fought nearby. I'd like to sit there for a few quiet moments sometime to feel its bark and think about what's happened since that original seed hit the ground.
    I hope some new sprout can take hold when these three finally pass, and continue on to new centuries.

  16. #16
    Junior Member
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    Re: Tree Trunks. . .b&w

    I agree with all the positive comments on this photograph so far. It's quite nice and I really like the composition.


  17. #17
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Tree Trunks. . .b&w

    Mark, Matt, Chunk, and Erich, thanks for the comments. I truly appreciate the thoughts shared and especially like knowing the image works for you.
    Mark and Chunk. . .great imagination and very descriptive thoughts on this enable me to see more in this than i already do. Thanks again, All
    please do not edit and repost my photos


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