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What a clever picture - I don't think I have ever seen a snake (or anything else for that matter, apart from wine) photographed in a wine glass before. I like the concept!
My one suggestion would be to crop just a little off the top - I don't think you need the top of the glass to show it is a glass, and the little white highlight top left is a bit distracting. Just a shave off the top would deal with that.
Erik, I like the originality of this alot. I think Mike has some good ideas for improving and maybe you could tone down some of the bright reflection spots. This is not without some issues but the concept and creative factor here make up for alot.
I like this.
Last edited by gahspidy; 04-14-2008 at 11:45 AM.
Reason: Sticking as Featured Photo. april 14th, 2008
I like the idea, but I think the execution could be better as others have said. My first thought when I saw this was of a Saturday Night Live skit that I saw a few years ago. It was for a couple of "photographers" who PS'd all their images in a brandy snifter. Classic!
"I thought that because fewer wolves meant more deer, that no wolves would mean hunters' paradise. But after seeing the green fire die, I sensed that neither the wolf nor the mountain agreed with such a view."
Aldo Leopold
I've been struggling with the red lid - it was a cool way to cap the glass, but without more of it for context, it is lost in translation and distracts from the rest of the shot.
I cropped it a thousand different ways, and in different aspect ratios. Since it is natively 4/3, it is already pretty square and I didn't want to square it up more. I tried a 4/4 square crop, but lost too much of the top of the photo. I tried a 2/3 crop, but lost too much of the sides.
The right side of the wine glass is kind of suggestive to me, I think losing it would be a mistake. The shot looked imbalanced when I tried to crop to keep the right side, so my solution was more work with the clone stamp and keep the native resolution.
Erik Williams
Olympus E3, E510
12-60 SWD, 50-200 SWD, 50 f/2 macro, EX25, FL36's and an FL50r.
Erik, latest edit looks alot improved. I like it. I keep thinking the title should just be
"Snake in the glass" playing off the expression "Snake in the grass".
For some reason while I had windows vista, I started to get blue screens constantly. I than installed windows xp and the computer was a'lot faster but still, I got the blue screens. There are no viruses on my computer. I don't know much about fixing computers, so hopefully I won't have to take something out or whatever inside my computer, im hoping I can just fix this problem by doing something ON the computer. ***The blue screens will only appear if I basically have alot of graphic material running on the computer, such as if I start a game, play a move, or video on youtube. I think I remember my brother telling me that the problem could be some driver he put in, but he didn't know for sure. Hes the computer genious and the mr. fix it in the house. But he's never home and won't ever look at the problem and fix it. (Please someone help me, I have searched all over google with no solutions.) The most common errors I get on the blue screen are: irql_not_less_or_equal driver_irql_not_less_or_equal Here is my recent error logs starting from today Some may be the same as other error logs, but youll be able to see which problem occurs the msot) The device, \Device\Scsi\nvidesm1, did not respond within the timeout period. The device, \Device\Scsi\nvidesm1, did not respond within the timeout period. The wscsvc service failed to start due to the following error: The executable program that this service is configured to run in does not implement the service. The device, \Device\Scsi\nvidesm1, did not respond within the timeout period. The wscsvc service failed to start due to the following error: The executable program that this service is configured to run in does not implement the service. The device, \Device\Scsi\nvidesm1, did not respond within the timeout period. The device, \Device\Scsi\nvidesm1, did not respond within the timeout period. ***So I guess something is reall messed up with that error above, since I have had how many error logs with that message. Please, someone tell me how to fix this, it is so annoying having to restart my computer constantly and losing stuff. I can't play my favorite games anymore because of this.
The blue screens will only appear if I basically have alot of graphic material running on the computer, such as if I start a game, play a move, or video on youtube
Get a thermal monitoring software, your computer is most likely overheating. It is most likely a GPU overheating by the way you described, but could be either CPU or North bridge as well. When certain hardware reaches a temp of ~75-90 degrees celsius, the bios will halt instruction and BSOD. If you get something like Lavalys Everest, it will monitor all reported temperatures in your computer. Open it up and check your temps, then pop in a hi-def video, or a video game or something, play it for a little bit (but not long enough to cause blue screen), then exit out of the program and see where the temperatures are.
I think you can get a free trial of everest at I am sure you could also look up 'thermal monitoring software' or something and find something out there.
But doing something ON the computer, not going to work. If you reinstalled a new operating system on the same hardware and you're still getting the same problem, then its obviously nothing to do with the software.
Oh yeah might also want to mention its a major pain in the ass for a laptop, but if its a desktop its actually pretty easy to fix. It can be either remedied by replacing the heatsink with a new one altogether, or even just reapplying proper amount of thermal paste and resetting the heatsink onto the chipset.
But none of that matters because you are probably a spam bot and you are not going to read this, and you posted this in an thread over 2 years old. Good luck either way.
This is a beautiful click!! Only the experienced and creative photographer can give such results. Just want to know, Is is a stemless wine glass or with stem wine glass?
My eagerness is that how it would look when u take the whole stem glass picture ? Have you tried that? If yes, can you the picture here?