Photo Critique Forum

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  1. #1
    Member Bretm1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Buzzards Bay, MA., USA

    Tractor in field

    I have been noticing this tractor for a little bit now. The lone tractor. I initially wanted to portray the depth of field( of the "field" itself), with the tractor in the background, but it didn't look right to me after I shot it. It was too little. I played around with ideas then I cropped it and gave a little color.(maybe more than a little) My goal ended up being to portray the contrast of the green/yellow versus the bare trees and blue sky. I moved it to the left of the frame so it had somewhere to go. I am still getting used to the myriad of options I have with digital post processing and that is just with the free downloaded software I have. It can really send you off in a lot of directions. I couldn't figure out how to get rid of the that glare on the machine it is towing.

    Tractor in field-img_0141.jpg

  2. #2
    GoldMember Lava Lamp's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Re: Tractor in field

    This one is a bit of a "tweener" -- not really a landscape and not really about the tractor. It comes off as kinda two-dimensional. If you think about the best landscapes, they take a path through the frame with something in the foreground, something in the middle, and something in the background. Here, almost everything is in the background. If the tractor was closer and perhaps more detailed and taken at an angle, it might help.

    Thanks for sharing. I put up a new photo of mine below, should you care to offer a comment.

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