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  1. #1
    GoldMember Lava Lamp's Avatar
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    Took a Walk Today to See What I Could See

    I shot these today with a D200 and Sigma 50-500mm lens on a monopid. All o fthem were shot at 500m and f/11 using the spot meter with shutter speeds of 1/320 to 1/400. The dragonfly was shot with an SB-800 flash and 1/60. ISO was 400. Please share your comments and crtiques, as you see fit. Thanks.

  2. #2
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Took a Walk Today to See What I Could See

    Lava - All Nice. You definitely have some skill there, shooting a moving object (3rd posting) so well with a 500mm lens... I would mess it up 100 times before I got it right (by accident).

    The colors are unusual, all somewhat earthy (brown, grey, dark green, etc). maybe it's because that's what they were (duh). I was initially going to ask what type film you used, but one doesn't ask that question anymore these dayz....

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  3. #3
    GoldMember Lava Lamp's Avatar
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    Re: Took a Walk Today to See What I Could See

    Quote Originally Posted by GB1
    Lava - All Nice. You definitely have some skill there, shooting a moving object (3rd posting) so well with a 500mm lens... I would mess it up 100 times before I got it right (by accident).

    The colors are unusual, all somewhat earthy (brown, grey, dark green, etc). maybe it's because that's what they were (duh). I was initially going to ask what type film you used, but one doesn't ask that question anymore these dayz....

    I noticed that about the colors, too. It was an overcast sunny day at about 9:30 - 10:30 am, which may explain some of it. The colors are more or less accurate, if I remember right, but I'm new to the D200 adn one of my initial impressions is that the colors are a bit more muted than the D50 I had been using. I may have had "vibrant" on in the D50, though. I'll check when I get it back from my Mrs.

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