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I like the angle you have set up for the run to exit the scene. I think there are a few suggestions I could make since this park seems to be a place you visit often.
1. It looks as if this was taken in the morning. I would return at a later time of day to shoot up at the run from this angle. This will do two things for you, first you won't be shooting into the sun. Second the light will be on the sledder's faces and details will pop out and look rosier. During a morning like this one it looks like the shot to take is right behind the sledder looking down the ramp.
2. I would also wait for a tobogganer to start tobogganing (Say that 10 times fast ) to add some interest and better illustrate what the structure is for without having to explain it in the title.
Boy my kids would go nuts to have something like this nearby! Thanks for sharing!
I dont visit Assiniboine Park that often because I have no car and it's on the other side of town. My son drove us out for a walk last week. It was looking South in the afternoon. I would have waited for a sleigher to come down but people have been increasingly shy about cameras and children around here. It gives me the willies.
It does seem lifeless without a human going down though.
I dont visit Assiniboine Park that often because I have no car and it's on the other side of town. My son drove us out for a walk last week. It was looking South in the afternoon. I would have waited for a sleigher to come down but people have been increasingly shy about cameras and children around here. It gives me the willies.
It does seem lifeless without a human going down though.
It's a shame that the world has come to that , but a few months ago before I got serious about photography I to would have been upset about someone taking pictures of kids that were not their own. A touchy subject for sure. I got approched by an off duty police officer Sunday while I was taking pictures wanting to know what I was up to. He thought I was casing a local business for a future break in. I am going to start caring around a porfolio to keep me out of trouble. But I agree with CL on the critique. I would have loved to see a picture of someone coming down, Coming from the South East US. I don't see things like this in local parks. Here it's skateboards..
I am like Barney Fife, I have a gun but Andy makes me keep the bullet in my pocket..
We have our skateboards too in the summer. In the winter it's cross country skis and ice skates. We have no hills except river banks and piles of land fill.
Decent shot alright -- We southerners miss the snow. I also feel that kids instead of adults would have made the shot better, but you have to take what you can get. Sad that some parents might freak out over that btw. The bluish cast doesnt bother me, but might others. a warming filter could help.
Thks for posting the shot.
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