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The texture and patterns are great, yet imo it is missing something, not sure what. Perhaps a great sky, or a subject of some sort. That is just my opinion though, as part of a "series", combined with the other one, surely it is strong enough to stand.
To me the picture could use a little more contrast. Also, those two people to me are a little off. One of almost looks cutoff, and both of them look too far out. I do like the idea though, keep it up!
I find that i like this image. I think the framing and comp and choice of b&w, not too contrasty but rather creating a hazy dreamy feel works for me. The vertical composition is what i like about this, most. The focus was on the foreground textured sand which is appropriate, and as the diagonal lines draw my eye up into the area where stands a silhouette of a human element, I find I then wander off to the water and back down to the textured sand. I think it is quite nice. I would suggest cropping off a bit on the left to eliminate the other figure off to the edge and also crop some from the top to keep your aspect ratio and also would bring the person a little closer and more prominent.
I like this but the point where it loses me a bit is between where you can clearly see the texture and the water. That portion seems too washed out. I'm not sure if anything can, or should, be done about it but I know that that is what bothers my eye.
juzzus - I agree that you need to add some element or elements ... Also, as much as I think the matt and frame makes it professional looking, I think there's too much matt here. It should probably be about 1/2 of what it is (imo): just too much negative space, which may be contributing to the feeling that there's something missing in the photos!
Also - very nice pattern on the sand, if a tad bit imperfect.
I think this is a great shot as-is, minus the person close the left hand side. I don't think this needs anymore composition wise, and the contrast is great. I love it.
Hi all, thanks for all the thots and suggestions ... It's always good to hear from different views ... And here's the edited version . Just bear with it , ha
OK I'm not afraid to admit it I was wrong, Jared is right it was just fine the first time. While the elimination of the figure at the far corner simplifies the composition significantly it doesn't make me rest easier. The lines don't point the right direction now. In the first post there is a cool pointy trapezoid and parallel lines that link the human figures in the distance with all of those diagonals running to the figure at the extreme edge. It was tension within the image; a small worry about the person we are all pointed to who is nearly but not quite out of the shot. Now that's gone and all I see is lines pointing to the corner and a person half along the top horizon who doesn't line up. I know that's a lot of analysis over one small crop but I do think it affects the viewing impact. Thanks for showing it both ways so I could see it for myself.
On the whole I really like this image. Your details are very fine and the tones and textures are recorded immaculately. Beautiful image however you choose to slice it (cropping pun intended).
No worries pal ... Your attention (so are the rest) given to this image is worth every effort for me to put up the second version . Be it good or bad comments . Really appreciates it , thanks ! ;)
PS : credits go to Velvia being able to register every details possibe .
I like the crop, but you took off too much sky. Just a crop from the side to just eliminate the figure on the edge, and then an equally small sliver at the top. Also, straighten the Horizon line as well.