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Thread: Through a Veil

  1. #1
    Love + Music + Photography = Life CLKunst's Avatar
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    Asheville, North Carolina, United States

    Through a Veil

    Comments & Critiques Welcomed.
    Suggestions Cheerfully Explored, but please leave the editing to me.

    C.L. Kunst - CLicKs Photography
    Asheville Photographer

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Through a Veil

    I like the feel of this shot and how you processed it. I wish the hand wasn't cut off, but if you included it, it might be too bright from the sky. I wish the frame ended right before the bow of the dress, but I like where you placed her eye in the frame.

    How is that for a wishy washy critique?


  3. #3
    Love + Music + Photography = Life CLKunst's Avatar
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    Asheville, North Carolina, United States

    Re: Through a Veil

    Quote Originally Posted by TracerNH

    How is that for a wishy washy critique?
    That's just fine actually, thanks for the thoughts and critique. I had similar thoughts about those issues myself. The subject and her husband (it was part of an anniversary present) love "the feel" of this one too. Couldn't really give her more breathing room in the frame as we were working in a cluttered background area and I just needed the daylight and the mirror.
    C.L. Kunst - CLicKs Photography
    Asheville Photographer

  4. #4
    Senior Member readingr's Avatar
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    Basingstoke UK

    Re: Through a Veil


    I really like the shot and don't mind the hand, but the right eye is the one thing I don't like, I can't see it clearly, very off putting.

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  5. #5
    Love + Music + Photography = Life CLKunst's Avatar
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    Asheville, North Carolina, United States

    Re: Through a Veil

    Yes, she has very long, full hair and I have several one eyed shots of her because her locks kept falling in the way. Rest assured though, she does have two eyes. For this one I thought that the one eye peek worked because it's got that peek through the veil already working. If I had it to do over again I would have had the veil follow over that eye but not her hair.
    C.L. Kunst - CLicKs Photography
    Asheville Photographer

  6. #6
    Drive by shooter susaan's Avatar
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    May 2008

    Re: Through a Veil

    Beautiful capture in a difficult situation.
    I might be tempted to try loosing the blue sky - but that's more opinion than critique.

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  7. #7
    Love + Music + Photography = Life CLKunst's Avatar
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    Asheville, North Carolina, United States

    Re: Through a Veil

    Quote Originally Posted by susaan
    Beautiful capture in a difficult situation.
    I might be tempted to try loosing the blue sky - but that's more opinion than critique.
    Thank you Susann. I appreciate your commenting on this photo. I have an Indonesian friend living here in the US named Shakila. I'm going to link her to your user gallery, as I think she would like to see all of your photos from her homeland, I know she feels homesick sometimes.
    C.L. Kunst - CLicKs Photography
    Asheville Photographer

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