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Thread: Three Nails

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Apple Valley, Ca - USA

    Three Nails

    Three nails that have outlived their usefulness. One still holds on to the past, trying to do what it was made for, in vain, I guess...

    Tell me what you think. These were taken with my F828, the B&W was converted to greyscale with irfanview, and the contrast was bumped up a bit (by a bit, I mean a lot), and the color one had its saturation bumped up a bit.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Three Nails-two-nails-640.jpg  
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  2. #2
    Member bjtindle's Avatar
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    The first one is nice, but there is so much gravel and stuff around the nails they are almost drowned in the details. I don't think you could change that, the nails have so much on them from the elements alone they have almost become the gravel and stuff. Maybe a different background? Something to show up the details and textures of the nails. I like the second one best. The nail stands out against the wood very nicely. I also like the texture of the wood against the nail, very nice.

    "When you aim for perfection you discover it is a moving target".

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  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bmadau
    Three nails that have outlived their usefulness. One still holds on to the past, trying to do what it was made for, in vain, I guess...

    Tell me what you think. These were taken with my F828, the B&W was converted to greyscale with irfanview, and the contrast was bumped up a bit (by a bit, I mean a lot), and the color one had its saturation bumped up a bit.
    I like the second one a lot, but something about it bothers me just a bit. The head of the nail should be the main focal point of the image, but my eye is also drawn to the area of burnt wood to the right of the nail that is in sharp focus. The image seems to have two competing focal points, and when I look at it my attention bounces back and forth between the two points. I do still like the image though, but unfortunately I'm not sure what you could do to fix this problem.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Thanks to both of you for your comments..

    Betty, on that first one, it cought my interest because the nails were decaying into the background. I thought it was intersting because it shared the same colors and textures with the rest of the ash and gravel around it, but they still retained their shape. Like I was trying to catch them in their decay, because soon they will just corode away in dissapear into the debris on the ground.

    Mike, I see what you mean about that second shot. I think I needed to move the focal distance back a little bit further so less of the foreground was in focus, and more behind the nail was in focus. I've waited and looked at that picture many more times to understand what you meant before I replied. It's hard to see exactly what a picture is going to come out like on that tiny LCD of a digital camera, expecially in bright daylight. Next time I'll maybe try manual focusing and shooting at a couple different focus distances.

  5. #5
    Member bjtindle's Avatar
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    I understand what you mean about the decay! They do look like they will disappear in it soon don't they?
    "When you aim for perfection you discover it is a moving target".

    - George Fisher -

  6. #6
    Too square to be hip. almo's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=bjtindle]The first one is nice, but there is so much gravel and stuff around the nails they are almost drowned in the details. I don't think you could change that, the nails have so much on them from the elements alone they have almost become the gravel and stuff.


    Isn't that sort of the point? The nailes are becoming their surroundings.

    John Cowan
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  7. #7
    Member bjtindle's Avatar
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    You are right, I wasn't thinking.
    "When you aim for perfection you discover it is a moving target".

    - George Fisher -

  8. #8
    Paint with Light PuckJunkey's Avatar
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    I like the color and textures brought out in the first shot, though I agree the nails themselves get a little overshadowed by the same. Still, it's a very cool abstraction IMO. The second image is fairly unremarkable, mostly because the subject nail is not amidst interesting surroundings in this case....
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  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Apple Valley, Ca - USA
    Thanks for all your comments.. Very helpfull!! The critiques on this board (of my photo's as well as others) have helped me understand a lot more about photography than any article or book that I've read (not that I've read many )!!! Thanks again!

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