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  1. #1
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    There be ghouls II

    Same subject, just not so dark and gloomy.
    This is a short ways from my place so any suggestions on shooting will be appreciated.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails There be ghouls II-dsc_1248-post.jpg  
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  2. #2
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: There be ghouls II

    To me Frog, this one works a lot better. The other is in its own category as a mysterious image, but this one conveys much more information.

    The drawing of the head is about as good as you can get it. Maybe some spot illumination to add a twist or some humor ...? Would have been great to do it on scene, with a flashlight, but you can add that in PP fairly easily.

    I like the green surroundings, but am not sure about that out of focus light tan colored branch in the bottom right. But silly as it may sound, it being there adds some diversity that the all-green surroundings is missing. It also seems like the bushes etc are not really alive, almost like they're painted -- maybe I'm going nuts though.

    Overall a very interesting image.

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  3. #3
    Senior Member BlueRob's Avatar
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    Re: There be ghouls II

    I like it Frog...I think it has potential, personally I would guess this could be much better with more highlights or more light somewhere in the image.
    Now it looks a bit flat do to this...try to improve or enhance the three clear planes you have in the composition....the middle one being the main subject should stand out from the frontal and las plane IMO.

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  4. #4
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    Re: There be ghouls II

    Yep. big improvement over the first one. If you have it raw there are a lot of opportunities to emphasize sections of it for dramatic effect. If nothing else a bit of careful enhancements of the brightness in the image of the head would help. Bear in mind I am a majority of one...

  5. #5
    banished Don Schaeffer's Avatar
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    Re: There be ghouls II

    I agree. I think it's a little too dark.

  6. #6
    Member Ptax's Avatar
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    Re: There be ghouls II

    I know that some graffiti is considered vandalism, but I love the image the "vandal" painted. The stick coming up in the foreground is a bit distracting. I am curious as to what is painted in yellow just to the right of the face. Look like a great place to take pictures.

  7. #7
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: There be ghouls II

    This is very nice, Frog. Now I see what i was missing in the last one. What a cool spot. I like the framing of this. I would only suggest trying to get it to pop a bit more with some level adj. and contrast. Bit of dodging and burning too could help.
    Your next project:
    Get back there and do a self portrait. Set up this exact shot, with the timer and get in the opening sitting there with your back against that opposite vertical wall looking towards the painting or even leaning against the side of the painting so it looks like its reaching down to you.
    Love this frog. Well worth the reshoot.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member draymorton's Avatar
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    Re: There be ghouls II

    This is great, frog. I agree with Gary, though, about adjusting for pop. And I heartily agree with the SP idea.

  9. #9
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: There be ghouls II

    I'm struggling with that 'pop' factor. My editing weakness really comes through in situations like this.
    Gary, I love your idea though I might actually sit the opposite way.
    I do plan to go back as soon as the weather allows.
    This old trestle is just out of town and surrounded by forest. There used to be a lot of railroad activity around here when the coal mines were active. I didn't even know what it was until the dog and I went there when it isn't so overgrown as it is in summer. The graffiti has shown up since my last visit and all I had was the camera with 18-200.

    Thank you all for the feedback.
    Keep Shooting!


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  10. #10
    Re Member LeeIs's Avatar
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    Re: There be ghouls II

    Frog, i like the framing of this. I agree about the pop. If you have photoshop, even an auto levels pass can give it more pop, it also will remove the slight green tint to this. It's under the Image -> Adjustments -> Auto Levels. Once you apply anything to a photo. you can press (Control + Shift + F) and that will give you a slider in which you can the amount of any made you change. from 0% like you doing nothing to it all the way up to 100% for the full effect of whatever you just applied.

    I love that slider and often use it when I do anything to a photo.

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  11. #11
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: There be ghouls II

    I'll give that a try, Liban. That's one I haven't used before.
    Keep Shooting!


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