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Thread: Thematic Images

  1. #1
    Gone Fishing Tuna's Avatar
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    Thematic Images

    John N Wendy

    Camera: Leica MP
    Lens: Voigtlander 35/1.7 Ultron
    Film: Provia100
    Location: Mt. Rainier

    Murphy's N Cheesecake

    Camera: Leica MP
    Lens: Voigtlander 35/1.7 Ultron
    Film: Provia100
    Location: My Refrigerator

  2. #2
    Senior Member readingr's Avatar
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    Re: Thematic Images


    I'm not sure I agree with Murphy's and cheescake, can't think of a worse combination from a gastronomy point of view.

    As for the photo it makes an interesting image and lighting is really well done, and I like the tilted can in the back of the pack which just shows its head above the two in the front and that one has been drunk.

    The graffitti is excellent and the plants and road markings complement it nicely.

    Nice photo's.

    "I hope we will never see the day when photo shops sell little schema grills to clamp onto our viewfinders; and the Golden Rule will never be found etched on our ground glass." from The mind's eye by Henri Cartier-Bresson

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    Canon Powershot Pro 1; Canon Ixus 100

  3. #3
    Grumpy Old Man Overbeyond's Avatar
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    Re: Thematic Images

    Could be John and Wendys favourite combination.

    I have a total lack of respect for anything connected with society, except that which makes the roads safer, the beer stronger, the food cheaper, and the old men and old women warmer in the winter and happier in the summer. Brendan Behan

  4. #4
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Thematic Images

    Tuna -

    The first one is a little too processing looking for me. Sad that graffiti artists have invaded Mt Rainer btw.

    I think the refrig one works well. The only nit picks I have is that somehow the bottom (front) white-ish ledge is distracting, maybe because it's white, maybe due to the shadow. and although I like how clean and contemporary the shot looks, I feel that it could have been even more so - remove the crumbs, the drink plastic holder, etc.
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  5. #5
    Gone Fishing Tuna's Avatar
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    Re: Thematic Images

    Quote Originally Posted by GB1
    Tuna -

    The first one is a little too processing looking for me. Sad that graffiti artists have invaded Mt Rainer btw.

    I think the refrig one works well. The only nit picks I have is that somehow the bottom (front) white-ish ledge is distracting, maybe because it's white, maybe due to the shadow. and although I like how clean and contemporary the shot looks, I feel that it could have been even more so - remove the crumbs, the drink plastic holder, etc.
    Thank you for your incisive and penetrating critique accurately, crisply depicting the state of these thematic images which I have posted here on this forum on this very day in which I ate some smoked almonds which were very delicious unless, of course, you don't like almonds, regular or smoked, of which I am sure you have an authoritative and concise opinion of.

    Thanks again,

  6. #6
    Senior Member jetrim's Avatar
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    Re: Thematic Images

    Quote Originally Posted by GB1
    ...and although I like how clean and contemporary the shot looks, I feel that it could have been even more so - remove the crumbs, the drink plastic holder, etc.
    Remove the crumbs and the plastic and it would look very contrived IMHO. One might even begin to question whether the cheesecake is real. I like it the way it is.

  7. #7
    photo gallery Mod. starriderrick's Avatar
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    Re: Thematic Images

    Quote Originally Posted by jetrim
    Remove the crumbs and the plastic and it would look very contrived IMHO. One might even begin to question whether the cheesecake is real. I like it the way it is.
    I agree, a very good point. For some reason the first image feels just right as vivid as it is.Just my opinion. NOW, I'm off to safeway to get a giant cheeze cake...thanks-a-lot...
    Nice work Tuna.


  8. #8
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: Thematic Images

    I think you can crop the road above the center line.
    Keep Shooting!


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  9. #9
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
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    Re: Thematic Images

    ROTFL, Tuna you are amazing. I just love your work.
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  10. #10
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Thematic Images

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuna
    Thank you for your incisive and penetrating critique accurately, crisply depicting the state of these thematic images which I have posted here on this forum on this very day in which I ate some smoked almonds which were very delicious unless, of course, you don't like almonds, regular or smoked, of which I am sure you have an authoritative and concise opinion of.

    Thanks again,
    Tuna, you continue to impress me, with not only your photography, but also your vocabulary.

    Try another without the crumbs just for giggles and see how it looks.


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