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Thread: At the Theatre

  1. #1
    Member anew's Avatar
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    dublin, ireland

    At the Theatre

    Hi Guys,

    two pics enclosed, i took them at a cinema in Dublin, using available light only...........long shutter speeds...........

    let me know what you think

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails At the Theatre-ifi_1.jpg   At the Theatre-ifi_2.jpg  

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Re: At the Theatre

    I love the simplicity of the first one - simply lines, form and colors I think that the small amount of the red color is great. I also think that the format fits the picture. I wonder how it would look like with something or someone on the "stage" (a silhouette) - buth that would maybe be a another picture. But for me there are to many lines in the second one and it also bothers me a bit that you can see more clearly the back of the chears (they have some riffles or lines or whatever it is calle).
    Well, so much fo rmy opinion.

  3. #3
    Member anew's Avatar
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    dublin, ireland

    Re: At the Theatre

    Thanks for the comment Pippi,

    i was torn between the two as to which i preferred, i think the first is most effective composition wise, although i don't mind the lines on the back of the chairs in the second one myself..................i see your point though, they might be a bit distracting...........

    I've enclosed another two, if interested............

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails At the Theatre-ifi_3.jpg   At the Theatre-ifi_4.jpg  

  4. #4
    "Artisaliethatmakesusreali zetruth" PlantedTao's Avatar
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    Re: At the Theatre

    Nice Pics. I like the #1 in your first pic and #2 in your second post. The composition is #1 is great, just really great lines and colors. Ah, simplicity in a picture, I love it.
    Pic #2 in Second post is great and what I would hang on a wall, IF I was looking for something to really stand out from afar. That red would really stand out and pop with a cool frame.
    I actually have a book with a very similiar pic, done in black and white with one person in the seats. I must say yours is a good take on the same subject matter.

  5. #5
    Smelly Student Hindey's Avatar
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    Re: At the Theatre

    Couldn't agree more with PlantedTao. First and last shots are both really effective and very pleasing. I like repeating patterns with colour so I find the last shot especially effective.

    Did you just ask for permission to shoot in the theatre or do you work there or something?

    Thanks for posting.

  6. #6
    Member anew's Avatar
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    dublin, ireland

    Re: At the Theatre

    thanks for the comments...............the repeated patterns are the strongest of the pic's alright.............and the red came out very strong, much stronger than it looked when taking the i was quite happy with the results.

    I actually got permission to take the photos from the theatre itself, during the day when nothing was going on.

    again, thanks for the replies,


  7. #7
    Senior Member shesells's Avatar
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    Re: At the Theatre

    Anew, I like them a lot. I've actually tried this same shot but they didn't turn out as well as yours. I think because mine were at night. I like the first one the best. I love the red along the top of the seats and the shadow on the screen. They are all professional looking and would make a good series. Good quality photos.

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  8. #8
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Re: At the Theatre

    Really neat!

    #1) Great, my fav. Only suggestion: try centering the "dip" between the seats.

    #2) Almost! It looks like all the chairs are pointed toward something. I want to see more of the stage to see what they're "looking" at.

    #3) Okay.

    #4) Nice. I like the cushions at the bottom of the frame cropped out though (use the scroll bar to scroll up until the chair cushions are gone to see what I mean)


    Walter Rick Long
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  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    Canton, MI

    Re: At the Theatre

    Love them. All of them. Clean and postmodernistic. Especially the first, love the sense of being surreal.

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