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Great exposure, composition (pretty original), DOF and GRAIN! Love it. I am just a bit distracted by the sliver of blanket at the bottom of the pic. Maybe you can burn this out?
Did you shoot digital or film? If it's film, I would love to know which one you used.
Thanks, Steph.
I'm pretty sure it was Kodak Plus-X 125(still around) or Tri-X 400.
Plus-X is really grainy.
Might also have been Ilford HP5.
These all give good grain.
Sorry, I'd have to dig for the neg to give you an exact answer.
Good composition and feel here. i agree about the slightly blown out out of focus area of blanket in bottom, but not too bad to ruin it. Interesting how a babys hand can look like that of an old mans. Good shot
What a great shot Jon! Black and white is a huge plus for this pic and the meaning and almost symbolism that comes through on this pic is great. As said above, the whiteish blanket could be cropped out, but regardless, awesome pic!
True, the little bit of fuzzy blanket is a bit overblown. I can fix that up.
I'd rather do that than crop as I don't want the fingertips any closer to the bottom edge.
Thanks for the comments.
I love the comparison to an older persons hand; i've always felt that about this pic.
Really like the composition of this picture. Normally a baby picture includes the eyes, and I love how this has been excluded. It gives the picture a whole different feel. Maybe its me - but the picture is kinda freaky. The grain really helps to bring this feeling out too, it takes away from the cuteness (not saying the kid ain't cute - but the feeling I get from this photo is probably different from most). I love seeing shots that bring about emotions.
Thanks for the tips on B&W film.
Keep up the great work. Cheers.