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Thread: Symmetry

  1. #1
    News & Rum-or-ator opus's Avatar
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    Southeast Wisconsin


    What does this shot do for you? I shot it in Seattle. It's sat in my archive ever since, but I just pulled it out, gave it a tighter crop left and right, adjusted a bit in ps, and now I like it for many reasons.

    What do you think?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Symmetry-seattle_square.jpg  
    Drink Coffee. Do stupid things faster with more energy.

  2. #2
    Just a Member Chunk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kellybean
    What does this shot do for you? I shot it in Seattle. It's sat in my archive ever since, but I just pulled it out, gave it a tighter crop left and right, adjusted a bit in ps, and now I like it for many reasons.

    What do you think?
    This is a beautiful, stately, formal shot that holds the attention for quit a while. The eye roams freely through the shot and then will jump back and forth comparing the identical objects under the different lighting condition. There's a lot to look at there without it seeming cluttered in the least. The centered composition is perfect for this subject.
    Very Nice.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Las Vegas USA
    I really like it, without being able to really put into words *why*. Chunk did a really good job at that, so just "cut and paste" his/her description here, LOL!
    Beautiful shot!

    Take care, Eva

  4. #4
    News & Rum-or-ator opus's Avatar
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    Southeast Wisconsin
    Thank you for your comments!

    Penny, I hadn't thought about it in quite the way you described it. That was a very interesting viewpoint. When I look at it, it speaks to me of strength and age, as if it's been sitting solidly in that spot watching millions of people go by over countless decades of time, reassuring them with its strength, and inviting them in with its simple ornateness (an oxymoron, yet it seems to fit).

    Chunk, I really appreciate the time you took to comment the way you did. I hadn't appreciated this shot fully. You really put into good words why I find this shot attractive at a gut level. Thank you.

    Eva, thanks to you too!
    Drink Coffee. Do stupid things faster with more energy.

  5. #5
    Paint with Light PuckJunkey's Avatar
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    This is a very cool shot. The technical aspects (framing, exposure, sharpness, etc.) are all solid. But the part I like most about it is, if I stare at if for a second or two I can almsot see the "face" of the building.

    Not to get all anthropomorphic (oooo, big word - never thought I'd have a chance to use it in everyday conversation), but to me the spikes at the top could be seen as hair, the two bluish windows as eyes, and the lines that lead to where the edge of the building comes to a the nose. Almost looks like something conjurred from a Pink Floyd album cover.

    You could even apply the old "theatre mask" analogy with one side of the face being light and the other being dark, although of course there is no reversed smile / frown.

    Anyway, I hope you guys don't think I'm on drugs but this is a very cool shot.
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  6. #6
    News & Rum-or-ator opus's Avatar
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    Thank you, Puck, I'll never be able to look at this in the same way again...

    It's got saggy cheeks and a funny little mustache, and oh! What big teeth it has (windows).

    Thanks for your comments! I like the "theatre mask" analogy, since I'm pretty involved in theatre right now.
    Drink Coffee. Do stupid things faster with more energy.

  7. #7
    Member stripesnspots's Avatar
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    The angle of the picture makes the building look impressive, maybe even intimidating to me. The fact that you can't see anything in the windows makes it mysterious. What secrets is it hiding?

  8. #8
    Photo Squire gmen's Avatar
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    It is indeed a very bold and striking image... I am wondering how it would look in B&W with a 'foreboding' sky... hmmm...
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  9. #9
    has-been... another view's Avatar
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    Penny, not to be a disestablishmentarian (uff da - that's all I got! ) but I like the simplicity - especially in a shot like this.

    Technically, the vertical lines are vertical and the shot is symmetrical (instead of just a little more on the left, etc). I also like to have something a little assymetric in a shot like this - in this case the directional light. The two sides are the same - but different. Only thing is that the sky on the left is a little bright, maybe a little burning in with Photoshop would help here.

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